Ten: Kidnapped

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It took a whole minute for my brain to wake up completely and join the small pieces of memories from last night to realise that I was not yet dead.

I was alive and in a completely unfamiliar place. I did a quick scan of my body to make sure my clothes were all there and there was no sign of injury except for the slight pain in my neck which was definitely from being choked.

I threw the blanket off my body and jumped off the bed, glancing around the room which looked nothing like a dungeon or a place where people are tortured instead it looked nothing short of a hotel room.

Arien fucking kidnapped. The reason I am not so sure of but if given the chance, I am going to fucking kill him.

I looked around for my phone but it wasn't in the room so I went over to the door which turned out to be the bathroom, I checked the other door and I was surprised when it clicked open.

Glancing out into the hallway I made sure it was empty. If he wanted to kidnap me then he should have locked me...good that he didn't but he has no kidnapping skills.

It took me around a few minutes to look around before I found the stairs leading downstairs which I quickly descended.

My heart was racing, afraid of running into him. I had no idea what the fuck was going on but Arien Alderidge was a psychopath and I want no part in his sadistic plans.

The house was fucking huge, a whole-ass mansion but the curtains were drawn with only dim lights illuminating it.

The front door was right there and I made a run towards it.

A smile broke out on my face when I found it unlocked and I ran outside--

I gasped loudly, coming to an abrupt stop, eyes widening. Holy shit. Where the fuck was I?

If not for the railings, I would have stumbled straight down the cliff. Yup. The mansion was built on a cliff and down there I could see the trees and the beach.

"Nice view, huh?"

I turned around, pressing my back to the railing and glared at Arien as he stood leaning against the front door, watching me with amusement.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

His lips twisted up into a smirk. "Where do I start? With my physical flaws or the ones up here?" He tapped his temple with his index finger.

"Don't fucking try to be sassy with me. Why the hell have you kidnapped me? What have I ever done to you?"

A dark look fell over his face, whatever amusement was there on his face vanished instantly replaced by a lethal look.

He pushed himself off the door and stalked towards me with slow, deliberate steps until he loomed over me. "You in particular didn't do anything but your father sure did."

"My father is the sweetest person in the world, he wouldn't even hurt a fly."

He threw his head back, letting out the coldest, humourless laughter I had ever heard.

Glancing down, he tsked at me. "You are so fucking clueless that it makes me pity you."

"What do you mean?" I asked through clenched teeth.

He leaned down making me press back further against the railing and he placed his hand on either side of me, putting his face in level with mine. "You have been living a lie till now, Zahria Connors...or should I say...Zahria Lamont?"

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