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My five year old son ran towards me, smiling widely and I bent down as he reached me to pick him up in my arms.

"Coach said I played really well today!" He exclaimed, his silver eyes twinkling with happiness.

"That's awesome, buddy."

"Are you proud of me?"

Ruffling his dark blonde hair, I kissed his forehead. "Very, very proud."

Three years back, I started my own cricket academy and it has flourished ever since.

Ever since Acacius was old enough to walk, he would find climb on the couch with some help from me and then sit and watch a cricket match with me even though he understood nothing.

Zahria used to say that I must have been the same when I was his age and she's right.

Acacius played with my hair as I carried him to my car. "Daddy, do you think I can a be a cricketer one day?"

"Yes, baby. You will be."

He grinned. "The number one cricketer?"

Every time he talked about cricket so enthusiastically, I saw a glimpse of myself in him. "Yes, the number one cricketer in the whole world."

He giggled, kissing my cheek. "Thank you, Daddy."

All the way back home, he kept talking about what all he did today, what he talked about with the other boys, how he played, what he ate.

It was fascinating to hear him talk in that little, cute voice of his.

"Are we going to meet Uncle?" He asked as I pulled up in Asael's driveway.

"Yes, we will have lunch here today."

"Yay! I can play with Hael then!"

"Aren't you tired already?"


I smiled. "Okay. You can play but in return you will finish your food, okay?"

He pouted. "Okay."

I opened the backdoor for him and unbuckled him, holding his hand in mine, we walked inside the house.

As soon as he saw his cousin playing with his cars alone on the living room floor, he left my hand and ran over to him. "Hael! I am here!"

Hael left his toys and ran over to meet my son in the middle as they both hugged.

Our sons were best friends and our wives were more than happy about it.

I left them both to play together and went in search for the others.

I found Asael and Verena cooking together in the kitchen, being touchy with each other and I quickly left them alone after saying a hello.

"Ria?" I called, walking down the corridor.

I opened the door to a random guest room and as expected, I found her sleeping on the bed.

Climbing on the bed, I slid in beside her, putting my arm around her waist and kissing her ear. "Hey, wifey."

She mumbled something incoherent and I kissed my way over to her cheeks. "Wake up and give me a kiss."

"I'm tired", she murmured with her eyes closed. "Hael made me play with him, making me run around the house."

I chuckled. "And you couldn't say no to him?"

"Have you seen the face he makes when he wants something? Also, him calling me aunty melts my heart."

"Mhmm..." I rolled her over in my arms.

"I am sleeping." She grumbled.

I placed my lips on hers, moving them slowly and a moment later, she responded back with a little moan.

"Not so sleepy now?" I teased as she slipped her hand inside my shirt, caressing my abs.

Her hand trailed down to my abdomen and I was so ready to fuck her when the door burst open.

Sighing, I removed my lips from hers and shifted back when Acacius and Hael jumped on the bed.

"Mommy", Acacius murmured, sounding sleepy and laid down next to Zahria.

She kissed his cheek and cuddled him to her.

Hael watched them both with a pout. "I wanna sleep too."

"Come here." I pulled him down next to me and yawning he pressed his face in my chest.

"You are the best Uncle", he mumbled before falling asleep.

I glanced at Zahria who was smiling and I mirrored her smile, my heart full of love for them all.


Everyone helped in setting up the table, the kids sleeping in Hael's nursery with Asael monitoring the baby monitor.

We all settled around the dining table for lunch while Zahria and Verena were whispering to each other.

"No." Asael stated.

Verena frowned. "I didn't even say anything."

"Whatever you both are planning, it's a no."

"As if we need your permission." Zahria mocked.

"You both are free to do whatever you want but when you whisper to each other like this, it's never good."

"Right." Verena rolled her eyes. "Thank God you stopped us or else we were going to get a job at a strip club."

That had me choking on a grain of rice, Zahria looked amused as I hit my chest.

"No strip club." I added in, glaring at them both.

Even after being married for years, I am still possessive over Zahria, the amount of men I have punched for looking at her are innumerable.

As for Verena, she became my little sister which means she is under my protection hence, no one can look at her either. Asael appreciates that.

"We are going to a club, okay?" Verena said. "And for once we don't want you both to be our bodyguards, we want to enjoy."

"We will see." Asael answered. "Finish your food, weirdo."

She stuck out her tongue at him before she resumed eating.

A couple of years back, when I imagined my future, it looked bleak. Completely dark with no happiness.

But as I take in the love of my life and my family sitting around the table, there was only one thought in my mind:

I was fucking ecstatic.

The End.


I wanted the ending line to be the same as the first line of the first chapter and it fits so perfectly.

Honestly, I didn't expect you all to love this book so much after the response I got in Asael's book but I am happy that you all did.

Thank you so much for the love and support!


Next up will be the second generation book of the Ludovica Series with the first book featuring Celestine (Silvio's daughter) and Arnaud. It will be an age gap romance and sort of taboo too. (I can't wait for the chaos.)

Will see you all there!

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