Twenty-Three: James

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This chapter deserves lots of comments.


Zahria's head fell over my shoulder and looking down, I found her sleeping. How can one sleep so much? I was simply curious.

I can't believe I shared all that with her. I never intended to but she was listening to me so enthusiastically that I ended up blurting everything.

"Are you going to kill me too?" I can't.

My initial plan ended with me killing her, maybe a painless death but now I can't imagine a world where she is not alive. She deserves so fucking much.

It was getting dark, we should head inside.

I thought of waking her up and demand her to walk back up but she looked so peaceful while sleeping that I couldn't dare to wake her up.

It will be difficult to carry her up the pathway, climbing always hurts a bit and if I carry a weight with me, it will hurt more.

Removing her head from my shoulder carefully, I made her lay down on the sand and got up, wincing as my knee hurt.

I walked around to loosen my stiffened knee before coming back to her and lifting her in my arms.

She mumbled something sleepily and buried her face in my neck and it was weird how fucking contented I felt.

Taking a deep breath, I started on the way back up.

Five minutes later, I was out of breath but I had made it upstairs to her room where I laid her on the bed.

And my sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up, blinking at me sleepily.

"Done with your beauty sleep?" I asked, breathless.

She looked around as if wondering where she was. "You could have woken me up, you didn't need to carry me."

My face blanked, lips pursing. "Right."


Shaking my head, I left the room.


Hesitantly, I picked up my bat.

Zahria uses the other one to play, other than to teach her, I haven't picked up the bat on my own.

It was late in the evening, we had dinner and she was in her room. I don't even know if I remember how to play correctly.

Turning on the bowling machine, I set it according to what felt right for me, according to what I used to play years back.

Standing in front of the stumps, I took my stance, a rush of nostalgia going through me.

The machine threw a bowl at me and I swung the bat too soon, completely missing it.

Another try.

I missed it again.

Once more.

This time, the timing was right but I still missed it as the ball whirred past my bat and hit the stump.


Last try then I'll stop.

With poor placement, I edged the ball but felt happy to have at least hit it.

My knee protested against all the movement but I ignored it as I tried hitting the ball again and again and again.

With every try I seemed to be getting better, a smile growing on my face. And when I hit a perfect cover drive after lots of tries, I chuckled softly.

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