Twenty-Seven: Overwhelmed

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I was sulking and on the verge of crying for some reason.

Verena noticed the change in my behaviour and followed me to the room after lunch.

"Did you not sleep properly?" She asked, sitting down beside me on the bed.

"I couldn't sleep." I stared at the bed. "Also, I am leaving."


I gave her a 'are you serious' look. "Why? I have been staying here for too long, Ver. This is not right. I'm going back to my parents--or whatever they are."

"They are still your parents, Ria. They might have adopted you but they loved you like their own kid. Horace might be your real father but he would have never loved you like them."

I nodded slowly in understanding. "I know, so, yeah, I am going back to them."

She went silent, a pout forming on her lips.


"I will miss you."

Smiling sadly, I pulled her into a hug. "I will miss you too, Ver."

"What about Arien?" She asked cautiously.

Just the mention of his name was enough to make me burst into tears as I held her tightly, placing my head on her shoulder. "I don't know."

"I feel so overwhelmed thinking about him especially after last night." I cried softly.

She stroked my hair. "Do you want to tell me why?"

"I want him, so badly. And not just in the physical sense, I really care for him. These past few weeks have been really overwhelming, I have never felt this way about anyone."

Before she could say anything, my heart squeezed as I admitted, "I think I love him."


I lifted my head to look at her through the tears. "Are you not going to judge me?"

"For what?"

"For catching feelings for someone who kidnapped me."

She rolled her eyes. "Not this again. I am not going to judge you. From what you have told me, Arien cares for you so what else do you want? What he did was wrong too but..."

"I am pathetic, aren't I?"

"Okay, stop." She chuckled loudly. "This is getting funny now. I feel bad for laughing but please, Ria, you are being completely stupid."

I smacked her shoulder. "You are a bad friend."

She chuckled even more. "Sorry."

Another wave of sadness hit me making my lower lip wobble. "I miss him."

"Yeah?" She looked amused. "You are definitely in love."

"It's scary."

"Well, love is scary but you gotta take the leap of faith sometimes."

"I don't need all this philosophical shit. I need--"


I blushed. "Um...yes--" But she wasn't looking at me but at the door instead.

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