Twenty-Two: Beach

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Sleep was nowhere to be found for me as I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom in frustration, unwanted thoughts filtering through my head.

Memories of my family, all the happy ones flashed in my mind followed by the memories of that nightmare.

Feeling myself slipping into another attack, I grabbed my phone and put on the CCTV footage of Ria's room.

The footage was clear and vivid and seeing Ria rubbing her thighs together in her sleep was enough to make all other thoughts vanish from my head.

She lay on her side, face twisted in pleasure and pain, thighs rubbing together, her t-shirt had ridden up due to it, giving a peek of her abdomen. She was having a wet dream.

I turned on the volume on the footage and sure enough, she was moaning.

My little bird was needy.

I rubbed my cock through my sweatpants as I got up. I am going to make sure my little bird is taken care of.

The lamp on the nightstand was on, bathing her room in a warm, golden glow. I made sure to be extremely quiet and careful so as not to wake her up.

She had stopped with the rubbing but her face showed her frustration.

I climbed on the bed, hovering over her and gently holding her shoulder, I turned her on her back.

Taking advantage of her ridden t-shirt, I first buried my face against her abdomen, pressing open-mouthed kisses all over her skin.

A sigh escaped her mouth as I continued to kiss her abdomen, my hand reaching up inside her t-shirt to grab her breast. To my luck, she wasn't wearing a bra and I rolled her nipple in between my fingers.

Her breathing turned laboured but I didn't care about her waking up anymore, I needed to have her.

As my lips reached the waistband of her shorts, my mouth watered at the prospect of eating her out.

Hooking my thumb inside the waistband, I pulled down her shorts slowly.

Keeping them aside, I spread her legs and the sight made me drool. No panties. Smooth, waxed pussy. Pink lips glistened with her arousal.

My cock dripped with precum and I wanted to shove it inside her but at the same time, I wanted her to be conscious when I will fuck her.

For the time being, I settled on the next best thing.

Lowering my face in between her thighs, I swiped my tongue over her pussy, tasting her sweetness, groaning at the feel of her.

I rolled her clit with the tip of my tongue and she moaned loudly trying to close her legs but I held them away firmly.

I ate her out like my life depended on it, sliding my tongue inside her causing her to whimper, her arms splaying out as she unconsciously reached to grab something.

Playing with her breasts, I licked her thoroughly, determined to make her cum.

Her pussy clenched around my tongue as I pressed my thumb against her clit, her body tensing before a gush of wetness soaked my mouth and chin.

She let out a breathy moan, her body relaxing and I pulled back to see a calm look on her face.

I, on the other hand, was going to cum without even touching myself so, I reached inside my sweatpants and pulled out my cock, stroking it hard and fast.

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