Four: Promise

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The first thought I had was why didn't I die?

I am going to kill each and every single one of them.

My eyes shot open, and the beeping of a machine reached my ear as I slowly took in my surroundings.

One of the private hospital rooms.

Agony tore through me as everything came back, my heart racing as a pure, unadulterated rage consumed me.

The beeping of the machine became frantic, I heard a scrape of a chair before Asael's distorted face came into my view.

I blinked a few times to clear my vision before I could see him properly, he had prominent dark circles, his eyes were rimmed red, and he looked more mature than he had ever.

He stared at me in disbelief, mouth parted open, his eyes shut firmly and he breathed out heavily. "A-Arien?"

I swallowed hard with great difficulty, my lips moving but no sound came out of them.

A tear slipped down his face, his lips wobbling. "You better stay awake now. Don't you dare close your eyes."

It took me a great amount of energy and effort to mumble, ""

I didn't need to elaborate. I couldn't.

His face crumpled, and more tears fell down his face. "I'm sorry."

A strangled sound left my mouth. "You didn't save them!"

He shook his head and dropped his forehead to mine. "I am sorry. I am so sorry."

"Why?" I cried softly. "Why didn't you--" I broke down completely.

He held me firmly, crying along with me, our tears mingling together.

They all were dead already. He couldn't have saved them but I was furious and broken and so fucking hurt.

We remained like that for a long moment until our cries subsided and sniffling, he pulled back as he took out his phone and typed something.

I stared ahead at the wall blankly with only one thought going through my mind. "I am going to kill them," I vowed.

I felt his lips brush over my temple as he declared, "Whatever you do, I'm with you."

With all the energy I could muster, I jerked up into a sitting position. My body was numb, my mind empty except for that one thought: I am going to kill them.

I heard Asael say something but it felt like he was far away, as if I was underwater and his voice got lost in it.

I felt a sharp pain as I swung my legs off the bed and then I stumbled, falling face-first on the floor. I shot my arms out to support myself but they didn't work.

The hit gave me a little clarity, the numbness decimated leaving behind excruciating pain.

The door swung open and a nurse walked in and exclaimed something on seeing me like that.

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