Chapter 25*

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I woke up slowly that morning after a night without nightmares. The soft light of day flooded into the room, and memories of the previous night flooded back.

After rubbing my eyes, I looked around the room, searching for Mattheo. My hand slid down the side of the bed, revealing a void that made me feel anxious.

He was no longer there.

The emotions overwhelmed me, and I found myself going through what I had put him through some time ago.

"That bastard!" I muttered as I stood up abruptly, my dress from the night before still lying on the floor. Mattheo had left me there, and I suddenly felt more foolish than ever after my betrayal of Ethan.

I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around my naked body, trying to wake up and accept reality.

What should I have expected from Mattheo Riddle anyway? He was elusive and like that with all girls, and I was no exception, yet again.

The sound of the door handle startled my heart. My mind quickly assumed the worst.

Someone was going to come in and find out what I'd done. I couldn't let that happen.

When the door opened, letting Mattheo in, I let out a sigh of relief, although I was still worried about the situation.

"Are you all right?" he asked quizzically, placing his snow-covered coat on a chair.

"Yeah... it's all for the best," I sighed. Embarrassment and confusion washed over me.

He looked at me with a cocky grin. "Did you think I left while you were sleeping?"

"What? No," I laughed embarrassed. "Actually, yes."

He placed a small bag and a parcel beside me. "I couldn't sleep this morning, so I went to get some food and clothes for you."

I looked at him, puzzled and still confused about the situation.

 "No one will know what happened, unless you want them to," he added, shrugging.

I found myself torn between guilt, the love I felt for Ethan and the complexity of my feelings for Mattheo. The truth was, I didn't know how to deal with the situation.

The reality of the situation hit me. I was still with Ethan, and I liked him very much. I couldn't see how I could admit to him what had happened that night, and that made me feel terrible.

"Thank you..." I murmured, accepting the clothes he had brought. I stood up and examined the clothes, a mixture of relief and guilt washing over me.

Then a question crossed my mind. "Have you been in my dormitory?" I asked, almost shocked.

Mattheo shook his head. "No, I stopped by Hogsmeade. It would have been too suspicious if I'd gone in. It allowed me to go through the way you know..." he muttered, his hands in his pockets.

His explanation rekindled my fear. I thought about what I had done the night before and the delicate situation I was in. Then he added, "There's no trace of what happened, you can rest easy."

I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that Mattheo had acted with caution. 

"You really don't know who it was?" he finally asked.

I shrugged, puzzled. "He was masked, and I don't understand why anyone would attack me. Maybe it was gratuitous or a mistake."

"Hmm... Maybe. You didn't say anything about your powers, did you?" he asked curiously.

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