Chapter 38

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I haven't felt so at peace for a long time, and I can only thank Ben for that. The old me would have wanted my friends to understand, but now nothing mattered, nothing hurt.

I spent the hour in Care of Magical Creatures class without really listening to what Hagrid was saying. The cries of the creatures and the rustling of the leaves in the forbidden forest seemed far away, as if muffled by a bubble that protected me from any outside disturbance.

At the end of the class, I made my way mechanically to the Astronomy tower, my mind racing. The effects of the potions Ben had given me were still present, giving me a feeling of lightness and detachment.

Reality no longer affected me in the same way, and for the time being, that suited me.

As I climbed the steps of the tower, I met the eyes of a few students who seemed to be staring at me. Perhaps they sensed something unusual in my posture or expression.

But I didn't care. Other people's opinions no longer mattered.

When I reached the top, I found Ben leaning against the parapet, lost in contemplation of the starry sky. He gave me a wry smile as I arrived. "Welcome to my humble lair, Val."

I approached him without saying a word, taking my place beside him. The stars twinkled above us, but they no longer had the same intensity.

Nothing had the same intensity since Mattheo had left.

Ben broke the silence. "How are you feeling, Val?"

I shrugged, indifferent. "Different, I suppose. But that's not a bad thing."

He sighed, staring up at the stars. "You know this isn't supposed to last forever, right?"

"Maybe, but right now I don't care."

He shook his head, clearly concerned. "You know Theodore has come to threaten me don't you?"

I didn't answer, just stared at the distant constellations. Nothing mattered any more, and I didn't want to feel anything. Life, relationships, everything had become superficial.

Ben broke the silence again. "Obviously, you don't care..."

I sketched a disillusioned smile. "It's a solution for now, and that's all that matters."

At the end of the day, I went to my room. I had the dormitory to myself and decided to run myself a nice bath. The effects of Ben's potions were still being felt, creating an atmosphere of relaxation that enveloped my whole being.

I filled the bath with warm, scented water, letting a hint of steam escape into the room. The subdued lighting added a touch of calm to the atmosphere.

As I undressed, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders, as if my worries were evaporating with the waft of steam.

I stepped into the warm water, letting my muscles relax and absorbing the stillness of the moment. The water caressed my skin and I closed my eyes, losing myself in my thoughts.

The turmoil of the last few days seemed to have subsided, at least temporarily. The potions had created a protective bubble around me, allowing me to isolate myself from the emotions and torments that haunted me.

It was a welcome break, a break from the pain and uncertainty.

Fleeting thoughts assailed me, recalling Ben's words about the ephemeral nature of the effects of potions. For the moment, I refused to let them get to me.

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