Chapter 52

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Valentina had finally come up with a plan of attack to get out of this hellhole.

She had spent endless nights discreetly absorbing a little more pain from Margaret's body while she slept. The old Valentina might have felt remorse, but this Valentina, forged by pain, no longer felt as much.

The effects of the magic she had absorbed also seemed to play a part in this change.

After several weeks, the guards finally decided to separate them. Valentina had sworn that, if she managed to get out, she would help Margaret escape from this hellish place.

By now, she had built up enough strength to steal pain from every sane person she came across.

The usual bell rang, announcing the long-awaited moment when she could put her plan into action. She stood up and reached for the door handle, and this time there was no trace of trembling in her hands.

The door opened onto the familiar corridor that she had walked down so many times before. She melted into the crowd of patients, her eyes showing unfailing determination. Valentina was ready to do anything to regain her freedom, every fibre of her being vibrating with new energy.

Valentina melted into the mass of patients, appearing to be just another shadow. Her determination was an invisible force guiding her, a power she had never felt before. The guards, used to seeing her docile and broken, were not wary of her.

The young woman's eyes reflected a demented gleam, marked by months of suffering and repressed rage.

She moved confidently forward, silently absorbing the pain of those in her path. With every touch, she gained in strength and resolve. Her steps were measured, but her impact grew stronger and stronger.

Silent chaos erupted in her wake. Cell doors opened mysteriously, releasing broken souls. The screams of patients blended into a strange cacophony as Valentina passed, leaving behind a mixture of confusion and release.

She had realised that her magic was different now, that she could influence the world without needing a wand. Every thought of revenge and freedom pulsed through her, shaping reality to her will.

The guards, disorientated by the burgeoning anarchy, didn't know how to react. Valentina moved towards the gates, using her magic to create distractions, disorientating those who tried to stop her.

Nothing could stop her.

She wasn't content just to free herself, she wanted to make those who had imprisoned her pay. Guards fell in her path, suffering the wrath she unleashed. It was an uncontrollable surge, a force of destruction driven by vengeance.

Every barrier that stood in her way was destroyed effortlessly. She had become a force of destruction, unleashing her anger on everything in her path.

She no longer needed incantations or complex gestures. The pain she had absorbed had become an extension of herself, a formidable weapon. The walls of the asylum seemed to tremble as she passed, as if the building itself felt Valentina's raging anger.

The once ruthless guards and carers were now on their knees, in the grip of the black magic she was unleashing. Valentina no longer had to kill with her own hands; she could influence others to do it for her.

Her gaze, once soft, was now filled with a cold, merciless glow. It rained chaos, turning everything in its path to dust. The screams echoed, mingled with the unbridled madness that reigned in the asylum.

Valentina had realised that she could be her own instrument of freedom; she had stopped waiting for someone to save her. Even without a wand, she had become more powerful than ever.

Flames suddenly shot up, dancing through the corridors, licking the walls and devouring everything in their path. Valentina had succeeded in igniting the air itself, using her new-found mastery of pain to power her magic with lightning speed.

Blood mingled with fire, creating an apocalyptic scene. Valentina, now a destructive force, showed no mercy.

Valentina wandered the corridors of the asylum in search of Margaret.

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