Chapter 47

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After staying up all night watching, fearing that Mattheo would come back and break my heart even more, I mechanically got up and prepared myself for the Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

Exhausted, having had little time to recover since the tragic events, my mind was haunted by memories of a restless night, when my boyfriend had decided to haunt me for all the wrong reasons.

The stairs to the common room led me straight to Theodore and Lorenzo, who seemed to be waiting for me. A sigh of relief escaped me, as I appreciated not having to face the challenges of the day alone.

The dark circles under the eyes of the two young men revealed a night just as tormented as mine.

"Hey..." I mumbled with a forced smile, trying to hide the exhaustion that weighed on me. Without waiting, Theodore put his arm around my shoulders, guiding me out of the common room.

 Without waiting, Theodore put his arm around my shoulders, guiding me out of the common room

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Walking on either side of me, the boys looked tense. We moved away from eavesdroppers and Theodore spoke up.

"From now on, you're not leaving the common room without us."

"What?!" I cried, quickly looking up at him.

"Before you refuse, you should know that we're not leaving you any choice. Enzo and I have already made our decision," Theodore decreed authoritatively.

"You'll never be alone in the castle. We've set up a rota to make sure that one of us is with you every time you move," added Enzo, his expression conveying unfailing determination.

The seriousness of their expressions struck me. They were taking the situation very seriously.

"Really, I don't think it's-"

"It's necessary? It is." replied Theo coolly.

I frowned, resigned to accepting their protection even though I didn't feel up to arguing. Their reassuring presence made up for the prevailing tension, but I couldn't help feeling that something was up.

However, before I could ask the question, Enzo spoke up as if he'd read my mind. "Mattheo came by the dormitory yesterday..."

Worried, I looked at him, hoping that Mattheo hadn't wreaked as much destruction as he had during his visit to my bathroom.

As I heard these words, my anxiety grew, casting a darker shadow over a day already marked by tragedy.

I stared at Enzo, waiting with growing apprehension for what was to come.

"Don't worry, he hasn't hurt us," Enzo explained, probably reading the concern in my eyes. "He just came to get some things, as if nothing had happened."

Theodore tightened his grip around my shoulders, showing his silent support. Although the danger seemed to be over for the moment, the thought of Mattheo haunting our living quarters sent shivers down my spine.

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