Chapter 36

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Matt Maltese - As the World Caves In


The end of the trip had a bitter taste, as I felt as if my heart had been ripped out of me.

Mattheo didn't dare come closer than three metres, as Theo had obviously threatened him after spending the night with Aurora trying to comfort me without much success.

We got on the train and went back to Hogwarts, and it was crazy to think that we'd come together and were going back apart.

I spent most of the journey with my headphones on, ignoring the world around me. I just wanted to go home and forget about it.

The landscape flashed before me, but I couldn't see it

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The landscape flashed before me, but I couldn't see it. My mind was immersed in a whirlwind of contradictory emotions, a painful confusion that filled every corner of my being.

When I arrived at Hogwarts, I got off the train with a heavy feeling in my heart. The furtive glances I exchanged with Mattheo were full of pain and regret. He had once been my pillar, but now he was a stranger, and this reality tore me apart.

The atmosphere at Hogwarts was different. The excitement of the beginning of the year had been replaced by a feeling of melancholy. Even the thousand-year-old stones seemed to bear witness to the sadness that hung over the castle.

As the stifling atmosphere at Hogwarts became unbearable, I decided to go up on the roof to get some fresh air and be alone with my thoughts.

The stars twinkled in the night sky and I sat down by the edge, letting my legs dangle in the air. The night wind gently caressed my face, bringing with it a mixture of smells and memories.

It was a place where I often came to think, but that evening my thoughts were more confused than ever.

As I was lost in the stars, I heard the light creak of the roof behind me. Without even turning around, I knew it was Mattheo. His aura, so familiar and yet so distant, was like an indelible imprint on my mind.

He approached gently, not wanting to upset the fragile balance of the moment. The silence between us was heavy, charged with unspoken emotion. Finally, he sat down beside me, his gaze lost in the starry darkness.

The breath of the night wind echoed the glow of the emotions that floated between us. Mattheo's words, heavy with regret, broke against my resolve. In the darkness, I let my eyelids close, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to betray my vulnerability.

"Val..." His voice trailed off, crashing against the rocks of reality.

I chose silence, a silence that let emotions hang in the air, forming a web woven of uncertainty. My lip was held hostage by my teeth, a last defence against the tears that were struggling to escape.

Mattheo's voice, laced with shame, cut through the air like a sharp blade.

"Just let me explain," he pleaded, heavy with regret.

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