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I forgotten how many shots I taken with Nicole, Vanessa, and Sam but after this very last round I was prepared to go back home and cuddle with Pauly.

The original plan was supposed to be all of us leaving together as a group but Deena, Jenni and Roger wanted to stay at Aztec for a little longer but Sam and Nicole wanted to leave so we parted ways and plan to meet back at the house with pizza or leftovers.

Vanessa and I were holding hands singing some random songs together while Sam and Nicole were walking right behind us laughing and enjoying our little concert together on the way back to the house.
Our walk wasn't very long and the stairs seem to be longer than I expected them to be right now.

Or I'm just really drunk.

"I did have fun tonight." Sam says excitedly behind us and it sounded cute how happy she sounds.

"I'm scared for what I'm walking into." She adds.

The two of us walked into the house and looked around to see none of the guys in the living room. It was strangely quiet and I wasn't liking one bit of it.

"Something's going to be going on." Sam tells us walking into the house and towards the stairs.

"You still going to be sleeping with us tonight?" Nicole asked concerned stopping to watch Sam.

"Yeah." Sam answers her walking upstairs to change and grab some other things to take downstairs.

Vanessa and I followed her upstairs to grab pajamas to change and prepare to cuddle with the guys or at least I plan to cuddle with Pauly tonight, I don't know about Vinny and Vanessa but I hope it happens.

But nothing prepared us for the sight we were seeing in the bedroom; all of the clothes that belonged to Sam was thrashed everything and her mini storage drawer was broken into pieces across the room along with her makeup, makeup brushes, and skin care.

"Oh my god.." I muttered completely shocked by the room being destroyed completely compared to earlier and it was nowhere close to right now.

I stumbled over to Sam and crouched on my knees to hold Sam tight into my arms as she cried hard and Vanessa came over to join our little group hug. We pulled apart and let Sam grab her glasses before going down stairs to find Ronnie and confront him.

| Hazel : It's like Ronnie will not let Sam win or get the last laugh. He's like some sick villain out to hurt Sam and for what? *raises hands in the air* to cry and run away after being held accountable. |

Sam mentioned wanting to be left alone to confront Ronnie about her stuff including her glasses being destroyed and just getting everything out—although all of us thought it was already out there and done.

But we didn't stop her or say too much because Sam going to do what she wanted to do anyways without listening to our concern if another fight could happen.

Instead the two of us decided to change into our pajamas and try the best to be there for Sam because lord know she will it after what happened tonight. It's like this girl cannot win against Ronnie at all.

" You weren't kidding how much happens in this house only under a day." Vanessa commented.

"I told you so." I murmured drying my face.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 | 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now