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"Hazel you did amazing for your last day of work! Girls I expect you to learn a thing or two from her." Danny tells us as we clock out from our shift at work or our last day of work at the T-shirt sadly.

"It was great to work with you Danny." I tell him with a little wave and smiling at him then walking out.

I carried the bags of stuff I made during my shift and lunch break for my last day of work at the T-shirt shop while listening to the girls talking about Ronnie and the fight that happened last night about Arvin.

Except the only thing on my mind is going back to Pauly and try to talk one on one now that I've got a clearer mind about things and do not like how we ended our last conversation that didn't go as planned but I wasn't going to Mike ruin this for us.

Instead of mentioning to the girls right away, I decided to wait until I can pull Pauly to the side to talk.

It wasn't a lie that I am not anxious to fix things again between us but I never had Pauly scream at me like that before and to be blamed for something like that by Mike of all people in the house? C'mon now.

As soon as I arrived at the house I walked into the house to see the guys hanging out in the living room as usual but didn't waste time to approach Pauly.

Now or never.

"Can we talk? Please." I asked Pauly with a pleading look and fiddling with my fingers anxiously.

"Yeah." Pauly agrees quickly and stands up from the couch to walk with me to the back porch.

He closed the sliding glass door right behind us and I sit down at the picnic table as he takes the seat across from me looking calmer than ever but I'm freaking out on the inside trying to play it off.

"Look, I just wanted to apologize first for flipping out on you so quickly without actually hearing you out the first night and I'm really sorry." I apologize first taking deep breaths and hoping the heavy weight on my shoulders could go away to relieve the ache.

"You don't have to apologize but I should for raising my voice at you and handle this better." He tells me with a sincere look and rest his hands on top of mine.

"I am sorry Hazel...you didn't deserve to be treated like that but I am just confused on what I feel for you and where to go after this." He continues to talk and it feels like my heart dropped out of my body at this point then plop down on the ground.

"So what are you saying Pauly?" I asked looking at him for more context by what he meant by that.

"What I'm saying is that I really care and like you a lot right now but it's all becoming a lot right now...but for some reason I can't seem to get you out of my head." He looks down at our hands and looks sad.

I took the initiative and intertwined our hands together to see the size difference between them. "I really like you too and it's a little scary for me also."

"It feels like this went too fast and I wish it could've gone differently." Pauly says while rubbing my knuckles with his thumb that brought reassurance although what he was saying was giving the opposite.

"It still can." I look at him with a hopeful look.

Pauly stops and looks up to make direct eye contact.

It felt like it was only us in the world whenever we had moments like this and It's what made these last couple of days hard to not talk to him or be around him.

"Maybe it can." He says smiling back and lifted my hand up to his lips to place a kiss to my knuckles.

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