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I woke up feeling like I got by a semi truck but it backed up to run me over repeatedly—the shots and drinks last night was not worth the hangover.

And to make it worse? I had to say bye to my best friend to leave for her trip to Los Angeles to attend her older brother's wedding and it's unsure whether I'll see her before I leave to Seaside or back to my actual home in Long Island to my family and friends.

"Call me any time you need okay? Maybe try to talk to him later because Mike could be trying to start shit." Vanessa tells me while she puts up her hair into a messy bun and gives a sympathetic smile.

I took another drink from my Powerade and closed the cap waiting for the nausea to go away quicker.

"I'll think about it." She nodded her head and we sit in silence in the living room while the others sleep.

We both stood up from the couch with the same sad expression on our face but pulled each other into a tight squeeze and stayed like this for five minutes. I pulled apart from Vanessa and watched her walked to the front door to leave the house and Seaside.

It was emotional to watch her leave the house and nausea wasn't the only thing I felt but homesickness because I missed my family and friends already.

| Hazel : fuck I just feel worse today. |

I continued to hangout in the living room bundled up in some blanket from the room and remained in the spot to relax my body and hope for this hangover to go away quicker so I can feel alive instead of dead.

This hangover and overthinking wouldn't be the best shape to try talking to Pauly about last night—I need to be in a clear head space and less hungover.

Vanessa wasn't wrong about giving it more thoughts and come up with questions on why Mike would bother to tell me if it doesn't involve starting some kind of drama like it did with Ronnie and Sam.

Maybe this will help bring up the conversation on where things with us stand or we should stop now before one of us(me) gets hurts in the end.

I remained on the couch feeling exhausted and faintly heard footsteps walking down stairs, peeking eyes open and it was Nicole with the guy that she brought back from Karma last night and it was funny to see his height being pretty close to Nicole's height.

He looks really familiar but I can't figure it out.

"Bye." Nicole slams the door and sits down at the bean bag with a disappointed look on her face.

"Bad hookup?" I asked her opening my eyes and cuddling the blanket close to my chest.

"He's not worth remembering his name." She says giving the brutal rating on the guy she brought home.

Jenni enters the living room and looks more alive compared to my current state which was the walking dead wandering through the shore house.

The conversation in the background faded out as I closed my eyes and took deep breaths as the migraine came back 10x harder this time and it was killer.

I decided to take it easy and go take the nap as a one way cure to fix this hangover, maybe I'll feel better enough to talk with Pauly later on tonight.

"You okay?" Nicole asked after calling Nick to make plans after work at the T-shirt shop.

"Yeah just hungover." I gave her a weak smile and got up from the couch to go upstairs to rest for the day.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 | 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now