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[ 𝙷𝚊𝚣𝚎𝚕 𝙿𝙾𝚅 ]

It's only been two days since I last talked/argued with Pauly and the feeling hasn't left but only got worse afterwards because it wasn't how I wanted it to go but Pauly insisted to talk about it and I wasn't any where ready to talk when I was still angry and hurt.

But how can you talk to someone who believes Mike of all people saying that I left with some guy? The only guy I talked with that night was the bouncer who helped me get inside the cab without falling out.

I didn't dread on the feeling for much longer or at least I tried to pretend that it didn't affect me in front of the others but deep down I was still upset about it.

Although yesterday it seems like I'm not the only one stuck in a messy situation with a guy because Jenni left a nasty voicemail to Roger because she assumed she saw some girl in his car and did the dip but he didn't, and Sam slowly falling back to Ronnie again.

I walked down stairs to see Sam, Nicole, and Pauly in the living room hanging out as usual.

"Come outside with me?" Nicole asked Sam and I to follow her out to the back porch to have girl talk.

"Yeah." Sam agrees quickly and I kept quiet but followed the two to the back to talk in private.

We kept the back door opened to wait for Jenni and maybe Deena but she might be asleep still or showering right now to get ready Jenkinson's.

Jenni closed the sliding glass door and walked over to the picnic table to sit down next to Nicole and across from me as I took the spot right next to Sam.

"You made-out with Ron? What's up with that." Nicole didn't waste time to beat around the bush and out right ask but felt more like confronted Sam.

"I wanted to." Sam answers shyly and I roll my eyes but chose to not speak but let Nicole and Jenni do all of the talking right now because it wasn't my place.

It was only the beginning but as expected Sam mentions of the 'major difference' in Ronnie but it wasn't anything but the bare minimum and it was sad cause you would think she knows her own worth.

From everything I heard from Sam and what I saw first-hand of their relationship I don't think any of it's true and somehow things will go back to the toxic part of their relationship and it's going to be worse if that's possible but if it is, that's terrifying.

We ended our talk at the table and I walked back inside to check out my outfit for the third time today to make sure it was perfect for Jenkinson's with the girls.

We ended our talk at the table and I walked back inside to check out my outfit for the third time today to make sure it was perfect for Jenkinson's with the girls

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I fixed the flower hair clip in my hair in the mirror but noticed Pauly staring for a second but realized he was caught through the mirror and looked away.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 | 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now