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The next morning felt exhausting from all of the drama that's happening in the matter of a few days and being forced to say bye to Sam for good from the house or the chances that she will come back are slim to none after the stunt after stunt Ronnie pulled.

Everyone didn't like her choice but it was still respected because it was hard to watch her leave just like that after all of the bullshit that Ron kept throwing at her like it was nothing and trying to carry on the next day like it was easy to brush under the rug and move on but this time it wasn't and Sam actually left the house this time to heal on her own...

"Morning." Vanessa says in the middle of yawning and walking downstairs sluggishly in her pajamas.

I glanced over to her and noticed her appearance looked tired but happy from the partying, the drama, and spending time with a new boy-toy.

"You look pretty." I say with my face close to my red solo cup to try hiding my smile and play things off.

Vanessa paused rubbing her eyes to take a look at me with her other one. "Shut up." She says before going back to continue rubbing her eyes to wake up.

I smirked and took a drink from my cup of juice, enjoying the quiet and peace in house a little longer before Pauly wakes up and does his routine to wake up the rest of the roomies that are still dead asleep.

Last night the two of us slept in different rooms; I was in the room with Pauly and Vanessa left with Vinny to go 'cuddle' in the smush room together after I made Vinny clean it twice because my best friend deserves at least the best even if it's the smush room.

I'm not saying what happened last night exactly but I will say that things happened and we had fun.

I knew it definitely happened because last night Vinny was wearing the exact T-shirt that Vanessa is wearing currently and she looks a little more happier even in her tired state—so I give myself a pat on the back for making sure my plan went through just fine.

Even if Vanessa's rebound happens to be Vinny.

Deena walked into the living room looking anxious with Nicole right behind going into the downstairs bathroom to finish her hair for work at the T-shirt shop which was the T-shirt and hat with the logo.

"Was Ronnie awake when you went past the room?" Deena asked directly to Vanessa and I giggled.

"Um, no it sounded like he was snoring." Vanessa answers blushing red in the face and elbows me.

Deena cussed under breath and nodded turning to the stairs trying to mentally psych herself into waking up Ron for their shift at the T-Shirt Shop.

I don't blame Deena because I'd be scared too, if I had to wake up someone like Ronnie after what happened with Sam and watching her leave the house for the damages he did to her stuff and heart.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 | 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝟏Where stories live. Discover now