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The next morning felt chaotic after witnessing Deena 'cock-block' her friend with Vinny and none of it was fun to watch my two favorite people in the house fight like that over something so little and silly.

I understood both sides and consider them valid but I'll leave it up to the two to figure it out and makeup before we leave this house only on good terms.

What I didn't expect for in the 'morning' is to walk down stairs to see Sam and Ronnie just finish making eggs for 'breakfast' although it was in the afternoon and talking normal like it was all fine.

I didn't bother to question things between Ron and Sam but continued the mission to make food.

Or at least I tried to.

"Deena was bugging last night." Ronnie tells Sam his comment about what happened and I glanced up to look around the room before landing on him.

"She overreacted a little but I wouldn't call it bugging." I chimed in this time instead of keeping my mouth shut all the time to 'be careful' instead defend my friend when she wasn't in the room to defend herself but I am and will do so since Sam won't.

"C'mon Hazel you should know she was bugging about Vin, like even you were chill with him and Vanessa." Ronnie continues trying to defend his opinion strongly and Sam was just watching it all happen. (Typical)

I looked at him with my eyebrow raised. "So just because I was okay with two grown adults that gave each other consent to hookup, automatically Deena should be okay with it too?"

"That's not what I'm saying." He sounds more defensive about his 'opinion' about Vin and Deena.

" Okay but it's exactly what you're saying." I made a little comeback and it shut Ronnie up immediately.

After that it was back to silence except very awkward for the three of us and I continued to cook my food although now very irritated by Ronnie and his stupid strong opinions about almost everything except for his own problem's that involves nobody.

I would've joined Ronnie and Sam at the table but instead chose to eat my food standing in the kitchen and Mike walks down stairs to greet us.

I didn't expect for Mike to come up to Sam and apologize for his actions trying to get involved in their business and relationship that started all of this.

Suddenly losing my appetite I threw away my paper plate into the trash and walked over to the couches to sit down to let my food settle and wait to check in on Deena after the episode that happened last night.

| Hazel : I think both sides thoughts and feelings are just as valid but both are in the wrong in some parts but I can only hope the two can talk like proper adults and not repeat last night. |

Jenni, Deena, and her best friend walked into the living room to make food or find some things to help cure the hangover from last night.

Vinny did come out but stopped after Deena tried to say hi to him as if everything's okay and it was a little hilarious to see him turn around then walk back to the room to probably tell Pauly about this.

"Really?" Jenni asked Deena like where the audacity came from out of nowhere and she shrugs.

I joined the girls in the kitchen to listen Deena rant on about Vinny calling her 'Angelina' last night and along the lines of how Vinny will get over it but that likely won't happen and it'll make this all worse.

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