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[ 𝙷𝚊𝚣𝚎𝚕 𝙿𝙾𝚅 ]

I couldn't stop staring in awe but also shocked to see the two girls I've been missing the most in the house; my best friend and my roommate that's turning into one my best friends during the time I've been here, standing here in the kitchen grinning ear to ear.

"Oh my god!" Jenni yells in shock and gets up from her seat to hug Sam first out of everyone smiling.

"Hi hun." Sam greets her returning the hug.

"Yo today is crazy." Vinny says smiling in shock at the sight of not only Sam but as well as Vanessa.

And typical Ronnie ruining the moment by starting the blender now to mix the frozen fruits, vodka, and cranberry juice all together to make his pregame drink.

Immediately I hugged Vanessa first because duh it's my best friend and I've been missing her since she left but I still feel the same way about Sammi too of course, but I've been needing Vanessa after the Pauly situation that's going on and I'm drowning.

"Did you have a good li—Relief." Pauly asks Sam but catching himself mid-sentence almost slipping up saying 'life' instead of relief and I giggled.

"Yeah." Sam answers softly sounding relieved.

"Feel better?" Pauly kept it up with the questions.

"Much better." Sam says as she glances over to Ron while fixing her hair and walking away.

I was cheering on the inside for Sam doing her big one up on Ronnie by coming back looking better than ever and not giving him the time or day to bother him, so of course I had to pull her into a proper tight hug.

Until Ron stepped out of the house and slammed the sliding glass door shut rudely to ruin the moment again but it's karma working her way around the house finally after Mike but now Ronnie this time.

"Am I dreaming or am I awake?" Vinny asked a sarcastic question about what just happened.

None of us answered and Vanessa quickly waved to Vin but he wasn't having none of it and pulled her into a quick hug and kiss to the cheek which was cute.

The four of us girls were helping Sam carry her stuff back to the room down stairs cause that is where she will be sleeping from now on and made the move to go upstairs to surprise the meatballs who were unaware that Sam returned along with Vanessa.

"You two get down here!" Jenni yells as she walks upstairs with Sam following close behind.

Vanessa and I watched from the bottom of the stairs anxiously waiting to see their reaction to see Sam.

"Oh my god!" Nicole screams excitedly as she pulls Sam into a tight hug as the other holds her mug. "Oh my god, you're back."

The rest of us girls walked down stairs to hangout with each other and it was cute to see their reaction to seeing Vanessa back in the house but I had some feeling that Nicole wasn't as ecstatic as Deena or maybe I was just overthinking it right now.

| Nicole 'Snooki'I'm happy Sam is back in the house and nothing bad towards Vanessa to see her back to visit for the night but...I am kinda upset cause I want to hookup with Vinny tonight and don't want him to bring home another girl or Vanessa. *takes a drink from her cup* is that bad? I feel like it's bad. |

"Did you see Ron?" Deena asked Sam right away with a little worry in her voice and we looked at her.

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