The end... for now

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The what?

The baby?


Both the faces of Lando and Charles rapidly fly through a series of emotions. Shock transitions to fear, which transitions to happiness, ending with confusion.

I didn't have the answers either, right now I'm too stunned to speak.

"Can you both please give me five minutes with the nurse alone." I ask them both. Unsure what else to say.

Neither say a word, immediately leaving the room. Walking and sitting straight down on the seats outside - I imagine both are wanting the answer to the question, who's baby is it?

I have no idea.

"I didn't know I was pregnant." I say to the nurse, unable to do anything but burst into tears.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to throw this on you I assumed you were aware." The nurse responds looking a little flustered.

"I have this for you." She passes me a scan. There it was. An actual baby, in this moment I can't explain the feeling I'm experiencing. This baby was inside of me. I was expecting to see a bean or something not resembling anything. But what I could see, was a baby.

"You're 12 weeks pregnant

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"You're 12 weeks pregnant." She says.

I can't respond, I can't do anything other than sit here holding this scan. Wiping the tears from my face. Looking at this scan, I no longer feel shock, or upset or fear.

12 weeks doesn't help me understand who's baby this is either, that would take me back to the exact period that I slept with both Lando and Charles.

Charles and I used protection.

Lando and I didn't.

That still doesn't guarantee who the father is, but it certainly leans more towards Lando at this point.

What do I do?

What's going to happen?

I've never felt so lost. Yet so assured. A little life inside of me.

Just looking at that scan I felt happiness and a sense of responsibility and protection. But in that same moment, all I could feel was loss.

Loss of everything i'd been working so hard to achieve.

I don't know what this means for me.


Thank you all so much for reading!

This is the final chapter of this book. Writing this story over the space of three weeks has actually blown my mind thinking how much has happened and how this story has evolved over these weeks, and I'm so proud of this story and where it's going. I really hope you've all enjoyed reading this so far, it's not over.... This is book 1 of 2.

I will begin writing book 2 in the next couple of weeks.

If you want to know how the story continues, follow me and you'll receive a notification once book 2 is released.

Thank you all for reading.



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