Part 40 - Dejavu

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I gasp and let out a moan - he's touching me in all the right places, but the sudden realisation of what it is I'm doing hits me. "Lando" I gasp.

"Lando, st... stop." I almost can't get the words out but I have to.

"Im sorry Lando we can't do this, I'm sorry." - I roll over quickly facing away from him. "I'm really sorry Lando we just need to go to sleep." I say.

Im so turned on and I'm fighting every urge in my body to turn back around and kiss him, but my guilt is outweighing that at the moment. Im laid here thinking about how Charles is somewhere asleep in this same hotel, and here I am laid in bed with Lando.

He lightly kisses the back of my neck before saying goodnight.

Why do I keep doing this?! There's just something about him I can't shake and I don't know what It is but when I'm in his presence it's like nothing else exists. Then I snap in and out of it remembering my reality, it's like i'm in a brief trance, but it's not real, and it's not how I really feel - I don't think. Its just when I'm with him. I need to stay away from him.

Beams of light are piercing through the thin curtains as I open my eyes and stretch, instantly remembering where I am, and what I'd done. I'm trying to justify this in any way possible in my head - we didn't kiss? We didn't do anything? Technically.

Who am I kidding though - i'd completely crossed the line. I'm in a relationship with Charles and I've ultimately cheated on him, here I am again, in the same position I promised myself and him that would never happen again.

Lando isn't here, and I'm glad he isn't - but I can see there's a note on the table. Getting up to read the note I also see my phone on the side and quickly check it - 17 missed calls from Charles and 5 messages. Fuck.

I take a breath, then call him.

No answer. Again.

It's 10am, it's only 30 minutes until qualifying and he's not going to have his phone with him at all, I need to make my way to the track ASAP. I was given an envelope with my paddock pass in from the driver who picked me up from Charles' apartment - so at least I knew I could get in no problem.

I need to fix this. Again. But this time It might not be fixable.

Note from Lando -

Sorry, I really did have to leave you alone this time - need to be at the track. Hopefully I'll see you there, and don't spend all morning beating yourself up."
L x

Charles POV
Opening my eyes i'm immediately hit with panic. It's 07:30am - I was supposed to be awake and meeting Lilly when she arrived at the hotel. Fuck. I can't believe I've done this.

Picking my phone up I see all the missed calls from her and quickly begin calling back. I don't know how many times I've called but she's not answering the phone. What if something has happened? I'll never forgive myself.

What If she didn't make it here ok? I need to find her now.

I run down to the hotel front desk, "Excuse me has anyone arrived asking for Charles Leclerc or my room number at all?." I ask.

"No sorry sir, we've had no one ask for that but of course we wouldn't provide your room number or access without consent." She responds.

That wasn't the issue, the issue is my girlfriend is missing and I don't know what to do, I'm completely panicking.

Calling the driver service and private jet service, I'm told that her plane did make it here safely, and the driver dropped her off at the correct hotel without issue.

The relief I feel knowing she's safe, every possibility was running through my mind before this. She must have just went to a different hotel if she wasn't able to get in touch with me or get a room here.

I need to speak with her, but I also need to get ready and head to the track and I can't do anything right now other than keep calling her. She's probably asleep in a hotel room, I just need to hear from her and make sure she's ok.

I can't believe I've fucked up this badly, she's not going to forgive me for this.

Lilly POV
I can't believe I've fucked up this badly he's not going to forgive me for this.

Making my way to the track, I notice there's not a lot of people here at all, no grandstand tickets were sold and there's very few people who have paddock access. Everyone else either works here and is part of a team, or works for the media.

Running, I make it to the Ferrari viewing point above the pit lane just in time for qualifying, it's Q1 and the drivers only got out on track a minute ago so I've thankfully not missed anything.

Let's go Charles.
I really hope he does well, he needs this. As much as I've fucked up, I just want to see Charles. I know he's going to be beating himself up about not being awake when I arrived last night - I just hope it doesn't effect his qualifying.

Qualifying is over and that was so extremely intense. I've missed this so much. Charles qualified P7, and Lando in P4 - I know he's not going to be happy with that result but he can easily make up for it tomorrow during the race. He's the best wheel to wheel driver in my opinion and he can absolutely fight his way through.

Watching the red Ferrari return to the pit lane and into the garage, I immediately run down from the viewing point - hoping I can get close enough for him to see me.

"Charles!" I shout. I can see him on the other side of the garages. He hears my voice and turns his head looking around trying to figure out what direction my voice came from.

"Charles!" I shout again. This time he hears clearly and immediately looks in my direction, running towards me before picking me up - he didn't care who was here, he didn't care about the cameras or the fact everyone was looking his way.

I'm swooped up in his arms as he kisses me, holding me so tightly before taking his lips from mine just holding me again for a minute, my head tucked under his.

He holds my face with both hands, bringing his face close to mine. "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry - I should have never brought you here so late and left you alone. I fucked up baby but I'll never mess up like this again believe me. I promise."

"It's ok, we're ok - I love you." I respond.

I believe every word he's saying and I want to do the right thing and tell him about what happened last night but if I do, it really will be over for us, and that's not what I want at all.

I can't tell him.

Shit. Oh shit.

Lando is approaching. My heart is pounding out of my chest. He walks straight up to Charles and shakes his hand, "good qualifying mate, you should have been higher up the grid, shame about that last corner." He says - he hasn't even looked at me. I'm completely panicking.

"Don't worry mate I'll pass you on track tomorrow." Charles responds.

Lando laughs then looks at me.

"Hey, when did you get here? I didn't think you'd be coming to Austin, haven't seen you in a little while." He says.

WHAT is he doing.

"Hey, erm - I got here late last night, yeah it's been a while." I say, unsure what else to respond.

Lando winks at me as he walks away.

"Ok shall we go pick your things up from your hotel then we can head back to my room." Charles says.

Oh. Fuck.

All my things are already at his hotel...
in Lando's room.


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