Friends and fights

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A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

I wake groaning as I feel myself sticky and sweaty.I grimace at the feeling as I get up drowsily looking at the time.

"Huh its already 12:13 am?But I went to sleep at 5:47 or so.I knew I was tired but not that tired.Fuck guess I won't be able to sleep tonight.This is the reason why my sleep schedule is fucked up."

I mutter to myself as I decide to take a shower amd decide what I'll do next.

After a while I get out of the shower feeling refreshed as I dry my hair and put on a pair of trousers, a black t-shirt and a jacket.All because I wanted to go to that convenience store at the end of the road.

I grab my keys and some money and walk out closing the door and zipping up my jacket as it was a little cold.

'Hmm maybe I'll get ramen or try those meat buns I've wanted to try for a while.Who knows I might also see little Daniel there.'

I think to myself smiling as I reach the convience store opening the door and surprise, surprise I saw Zack and his three goons harassing the poor guy.

Knowing this part and having it read many times it still made me mad on how they harassed him for no reason when he was doing his job.

I get out my phone pretending to record them when I wasn't doing shit cause the phone screen was black beacuse I forgot to charge it.

"Hey you four you better stop doing what you're doing to that poor guy."

I tell them as now all five people turned their attention to me. "Or what bitch?" Zack bit back.

That made my blood boil so I raise my phone higher to show them that I was *recording*.Again I wasn't doing shit cause my phone had no battery so I hoped they would believe the lie.

As the three goons saw the phone they felt alarmed and quickly tried to pull Zack away.Even though Zack resisted he remembered that if I threw the *video I was recording* in the Internet Mira might see it.So he just mumbled some curses under his breath and pushed pass me.

I watch them leave sighing and feeling a little scared.Again I knew how to fight but I don't know if it will be enough cause this is LOOKISM.

I look over at little Daniel feeling nervous if he should approach me or not.I just dust off my pants to make it less awkward I guess and walk over to him smiling.

I knew he recognized me by the way he widened his eyes but I didn't really want to talk about that.

"I'm sorry but where are the meat buns?"

I ask him smiling as he points to an isle near.I walk over there grabbing two meat buns, two energy drinks and trying to find a packet of bandaids.

When I had everything I walk over to the cashier finding Daniel looking at me.

'Look Danny you're one of my favourite characters but you can't be looking at people like that.It's creepy.'

Nonetheless I approach him smiling setting my things down on the counter.

As he was scanning my items he suddenly spoke.

"Im so-sorry I dont want to seem ru-rude or anything but were you the girl that I found in the alleway?" He asks nervously.

'Why did you have to bring that embarrassing shit up?' I think to myself mentally cringing at myself as I bring a hand up to my nape rubbing it nervously.

"Yeah I was.I'm sorry if I looked weird the other day."

"Oh no-no I didn't mean it to come of like that.An-and I'm sorry if I come of as a weird but I know-I mean my roomate knows someone who looks like you.Do-do you perhaps know a guy named El-elijah L/N?"

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