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A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'
f/c:favourite chips

I lay in my bed watching the fight of Zack and Daniel over and over again while I burst out laughing everytime.It was truly amusing.

'He did deserve it tho.' I think as I get up getting ready to go to the convenience store again.

Tying up my hair and grabbing a jacket to put on over my black t-shirt and sweatpants.I take a look at the time widening my eyes.

'Damn it's already 3 am.Definitely gonna fall asleep in class tomorrow.'

I sweat drop putting on my shoes and grabbing my keys with my phone and locking the door.Walking there I think about what 'the heads of the departments' said about us.

'Vin Jin kept asking if he was more handsome than us.Eli Jang said that he wants to give us a haircut.Vasco is gonna teach us a lesson (beat us) when he sees us.And yeah.But one thing I don't understand is?'

'Why am I being mentioned when I didn't do shit?Daniel is more handsome and he fought.I was nothing more than a *bystander* watching the fight and doing nothing.Nothing wrong with that right. '

I look up sighing as I head into the convenience store in front of me.Entering I smile at Daniel as he smiles back at me.Its like a habit now.

'I was used to smile at random people to seem more polite or they would think I'm rude or something.Well I am but only when I don't like someone.'

I think as I go over to the chips aisle grabbing three big packets of f/c and three energy drinks.Placing them down on the counter Daniel looked at me sweat dropping at the chips and the energy drinks.Who wouldn't to be honest?

As he scanned my items the bell rang indicating someone just entered.I turn to the door seeing Jiho walking in nervously as he freezes at the sight of Daniel and me.

'I genuinely felt bad about him.He was always bullied and left out or forgotten.'

He thinks about turning around but he instead he asks Daniel where the chargers are as both me and Daniel look at him.I just decide to stop staring since I didn't think he was gonna steal it with two people around here.

Guess I was wrong cause as soon as I took out my money I felt him sprinting past me yelling that he will pay it later while Daniel chased after him yelling that he'll be in trouble if he let's him have the charger.

Sighing again I leave my money on the counter I get out already seeing them fighting.

'That was fast.Well he's desparate to do anything to not serve them anymore.' Suddenly Zacks goons and the fat blonde that was with them saw me.

The blonde looked at me with a disgusted expression saying *I'm all fake* while the goons look at me with a weird expression trying to scare me off maybe.

"Bitch please all that hair looks fake along with with your eyelashes.And you three why are you making those ugly faces.It looks like you're constipated rather than scary.And making them fight is so inhumane."

I snap not really holding it in anymore.It was annoying how they thought they could do anything they wanted without any consequences.

The blonde looked flabbergasted while the goons seem suprised before the one with a pointy chin approaches me.

"Now listen here you fucking bitch.We might've went easy on you last night cause you were recording us but tonight we'll teach you a lesson."

He says raising his fist up to punch me and to be honest I was waiting for him to do that so I could flip that fucker over and beat his ass myself but a voice stops both of us.

"Enough." I sweat drop seeing Vasco standing there menacingly glaring at the goons.


"Mind your own business.Take a hike."

"Don't interfere or you'll be sorry."


They say before their faces change into one of fear as they recognize who it is.

"Hey that's Vasco."

"What the?"

"That Vasco?"

"The architecture class prez?"

"Now what?"

The guy in front of me had forgotten about me as he was standing next to his friends when Vasco suddenly picks him up from the neck.

"You guys are bad guys."

He says also threatening the other goons while Daniel and Jiho apologize to each other.

As the goons and the blonde leave he turns to us.

"You guys better start working up."

"Thanks Vasco."

"Yeah thanks." I also say.

"You know me?"You from our school?"

"Yep.Fashion department."

"Fashion?That's where the new two transfers are?"


"With the one that also knocked Zack down?"


"Tell the new guys.Don't screw around." He says crying.

"Dont cry!" Jiho says.

Standing there awkwardly I kinda felt bad he was crying so I approach him taking my handkerchief out and handing it to him.

"Don't cry." I tell him softly as I hand him my handkerchief wiping his tear with a small blush.

'Ngl I feel like one of those Y/n's right now but he was always such a soft character despite his tough apperance.'

I think as he hands me back my handkerchied stiffly before leaving.

We all get back in the convenience store as I grab my things and give one of the energy drinks to Daniel and the other one to Jiho as they both thank me.

Heading back home I put on my favourite anime and get my snacks ready.

"I'll just sleep in class."

I say muching on some chips as the intro of the anime started.
Hello you lovely people.Im sorry I didn't update sooner because I was busy these day's.I hope you liked this chapter.Bye💕

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