God Dog

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A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

As I was heading home I was stopped by a group of people blocking my path.

"What's this?" I ask annoyed looking at them with a raised brow.

"You're Elijah L/N aren't you?The one from J-high that defeated the God Dog members along with the leader of Burn Knuckles?"

"Who's asking?" I question them confused at what this was about until I saw the logo of their hoodie.

"You're the person we were looking for.We need you to come with us."

The guy from before said with a big grin while the others were mimicking the same expression as him.

"Well how about I get out of your hair by letting me go so that I don't beat you all half to death."

I could see that I hit a nerve because they all were angered with what I said.

"You're cocky aren't you?"

One of them said charging at me making me move to the side to avoid getting hit.He growls swinging again only to be met with a kick to the face sending him flying away.

"So are we really doing this?" I asked them with a yawn.

They were alarmed at how nonchalant I was,making the tension rise between me and the members of God Dog.

But their little egos and pride could only hurt that much until they started attacking me once more.

Screams of agony and distress filled the air as the members of God Dog were either writhing in pain or were laying unconscious in a pool of their own blood.

The metallic smell was becoming stronger by the second and the sight was one out of a gory movie with all the members placed on top of another.

"Whew." I sigh out pulling up my sleeves that were soaked in blood.

As I stood there analyzing what I had done only then I saw that my whole uniform was soaked in blood but not with mine of course.

"So you done with this little rampage of yours?"

A deep voice calls out to me from behind making me startled as I immediately turned around preparing to deliver a kick to whoever was behind me only to recognize him in an instant.

"What the fuck was that about?You scared the shit out of me Gun."

"Well you were too immersed in the fight so I thought I should ask you if you were done or not?"

"Everyone is on the ground unconscious.Who do you think I'm gonna fight next?The trees?"

"Yeah,yeah.Stop talking about nonsense and let's go.We don't have time."

He says walking towards his car making me follow him.

I sat on the passenger seat buckling my seatbelt while Gun sat on the drivers one and as soon as he started the car he started driving at an alarming speed.

"God,slow down you psycho.You're gonna get us both killed."

I tell him as I held tightly onto the seatbelt praying to God that we would come out alive while Gun looked calmly at the road swerving around the other cars with ease even at such a high speed.

As we had finally arrived at the riverside safely I noticed that it had begun raining and we both watched from the car how Johan was taking on the members that had betrayed him.

"Come on." Gun tells me getting out of the car making me do the same as I walked beside him towards Johan who was dealing with Jin Jang.

"Back when you were the leader of a crew that nobody knew it rained like this." Johan said to Jin who was trying to get away from the stronger boy.

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