An unwanted encounter

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A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

It had been a few weeks now since I started going to school like myself.

After such a long time of fighting I actually felt like a high schooler again.Going out with my friends,going karaoke, shopping and much more.

The only annoying thing I had to deal with was the question of *Where is Elijah?*.

Honestly I'd just lie to them by telling them that he went back to our hometown and that he had to go because of an emergency.

But that was not the important thing right now.

Right now I was being chased by a white car.

How did I even know that?

Well at first I thought it was a coincidence but after making different turns and going in different directions, that damn car had been doing the same thing as me for the past thirty minutes now.

Hell it even started matching my speed of walking.

When I'd slow down the car would too.When I'd pick up my step the car would speed up too.

At first I thought it was either Gun or Goo but it wasn't possible since both of their cars are black.

And even if it was them they would've pulled up in front of me right now and told me to get in.

Unfortunately I was stuck walking to god knows where because I didn't want to lead them to my house.

'Why do this things even happen to me?'

As I kept on walking, ahead of the road some kind of accident had happened which had stopped all the cars resulting in a messy traffic.

Since the car was a few meters behind me it wasn't possible for them to see what I was seeing so I decided to make a run for it.

As I did this I could hear the engine of the car make a loud noise before following after me.

But since there was a big traffic on the road they had to stop.

A loud screeching noise filled the air as the car left skid marks from the sudden stop.

"Get her."

"She's running away."

As I heard those I turned around only to stare at the sight in shock.

There after me were about 4 members of Workers  chasing me making me start running even faster.

'Fuck why are the Workers after me? It wasn't enough that Samuel wanted my head but now the whole company is after me?'

I ran and I ran and I ran until I reached a dead end where I couldn't run anymore as a big wall was in front of me.

The only way I could pass this wall is only if I became Spider-women or something.

The footsteps became even louder as I knew they were close to finding out where I was.

As they finally got to where I was they were panting for breath as if they ran a whole marathon to get here.

"You-you're coming with us."

One of them says pointing his finger at me as if I'd comply that easily.

Sighing I look at the ground only to find a steel pipe.

Satisfied with my discovery I pick up the weapon and direct it towards them.

"Come and get me then." I say with a smirk.

My fists clenched around the steel pipe as they all charged towards me.

I swung the pipe towards the first guy. The metal connecting with his body making him double over in pain.

Next I swung the pipe towards the next guy hitting his temple making him fall to the ground instantly.

Next I bashed a guys head in smashing him to the wall.

The final guy stood there scared but nonetheless he still charged at me making me sweep him on his feet and smash my foot against his face.

As I looked around I saw that all the people that were chasing me were now in the ground unconscious.

As I was walking out I suddenly saw a fist coming my way making me put the steel pipe in front of me.

The impact of the punch send me a few feet back but I still held my ground, meanwhile the weapon in my hands was broken in half.

I raise my head up only to see Mandeok standing tall.Like really tall.

'What have they been feeding you?'

As I was about to say something I hear slow clapping only to see Eugene appear from the shadows.

"Amazing job miss Y/n. Truly remarkable. I would expect nothing less from somebody who's on the same level as Gun and Goo."

"Sorry I'm what now?" I ask looking at him still wondering why I'm even in this situation.

"I want you to join Workers." He says reaching his hand out to me with a confident smile on his face.

'The nerve of this guy.'

"I refuse."

I could see his confused expression as he wasn't expecting such a blunt answer coming from me.

I lean in closer, my face a few inches from his as I looked at him revealing my true intentions.

"I'm planning to destroy you just like I've done with the other crews."

He backs away a little looking at me with a frown.

"That makes us enemies then. Though it's such a shame.You could have been really useful."

I looked at him with a raised brow as he turned his back on me.

Since I was too focused on him I hadn't seen Mandeok raise his foot and swing towards the side of my injured abdomen.

I fell to the floor clutching my side in pain and trying to normalize my breathing feeling myself getting dizzy from the pain.

"You'll hear from us again miss Y/n."

He says with a smile looking back at me before turning around again and walking away with Mandeok.

As soon as they left tears pricked my eyes as the intensity of the pain was flooding over me.

I slowly got up.My legs still shaking as I barely managed to hold myself still while my eyes were burning with hatred.

"I'll destroy them. I'll destroy him."
Hello my lovely people. I'm sorry that I haven't been posting but honestly I just had zero motivation and I really had no idea what to do for this chapter.
Originally it was supposed to be longer but I decided to do the other part tomorrow. I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't as enjoyable than the other though. Thank you for reading this chapter and don't forget to vote.Bye💕

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