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A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

As soon as I entered inside the classroom there was a big commotion going on around Jasmine's sudden disappearance.

Her father was asking every student especially Mira if they had seen her or if she called anyone before disappearing.

I look over to Zack who was resting his head on his desk with a frown seemingly in deep thinking.

I walk over to him patting his back in a comforting manner while he turns to look at me with a regretful expression.

"There, there now.So are you gonna tell me what happened Zack?I know you know something."

"It's just that...ugh.I caught her using Mira so she could earn money with all the spit and stocking we were talking about yesterday so I confronted her about it but now she's gone so I think it's all my fault."

"Well Zack you did what you thought was right.In my point of view you weren't wrong and it's mostly her fault but I don't think she disappeared because of you so stop thinking about that."

I tell him with a smile while his expression lights up a bit.

"Thanks Elijah.You know how to cheer me up."

"Hey what are those idiots doing over there?"

I nudge Zack making his attention shift over to the goons who were snickering to themselves.

"I don't know. Let's see."

As we got closer we could hear them talking loudly about the girls in our class.

"I'm serious.Look at these pics."


"I dunno about Zoe but Mira is a suprise."

"Damn and I thought she was all innocent."

"Mira?" Zack asks moving the head of one of the goons to see what they were looking at.

"Why you talking about Zoe?" I ask them looking at what Zack was staring at.

What we saw left us in shock.

As Zack scrolled down we saw pics of Zoe, Mira, Joy, Mary and even mine who were all over social media platforms used to sell spit and used clothes.

As soon as I saw pics of myself I grabbed the phone from Zack's hand and started scrolling down only to reveal photos of me who were mostly taken from side profiles.

I looked through the photos in horror and shock while feeling the murderous aura emitting from Zack.
"What the hell are you talking about?What do you mean selling stockings isn't illegal?"

Zacks yells at the police officer as we were all seated in the waiting room.

"Yeah it would be judged as an obscene item...but there's no proof so we can't do anything."

"Yeah but it has to be somewhat illegal.What about the photos? Impersonating another person. Isn't that identity theft?"

I ask him not being able to hold my anger after what I had seen.

"Even if they're impersonating another person, foreign social media sites don't give away user information.The only thing we can do is suspend the account at best."

I'm not a boy (lookism x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now