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A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

As I was sitting in my seat as usual playing games I suddenly hear comotion behind me.

"Hey.If you say be quiet,do I really have to?"

At that I raise my head from the game turning around as I look at Doo and Zack.

"What?You trying to start something?" Zack asks glaring at Doo who was shivering at his stare.

"You think Im your slave?You know how much money I spent on you?Beggars should have some respect." Doo says with some newfound confidence.

I quickly get up from my seat standing in front of Doo and Zack as Daniel is holding Zack back while the other goons are holding Doo back.

'Is this guy trying to get killed.'

"Hey.How about we all calm down and not fight with each other?" I suggest but that falls on deaf ears as Zack continues.

"What'd you say?You nuts?Come here." Zack says getting angrier.

"Hey you guys are friends." Daniel says trying to descalate the situation.

"Friend?What friend?He has no friends.He thinks of everyone as his slave.Your kindness cosplay is getting old.Youre nothing but a fighter.It was just out of convenience."

Doo says and everyone could see that it really got to Zack the way he stopped and just looked down.
Walking home with Zack was new since I would mostly walk home with Daniel but with him having to deal with something he left me alone so I decided to go with Zack.

Walking with him I tried to comfort him but he just kept saying that he was fine and I shouldnt worry too much about it.

That was until two guys stopped us and were asking us about Doo and Taejoon.

"Do you know these guys at all.They go to your school right?" One of them asked us showing us a picture of the two.

I really didnt want to deal with this now so I was mostly bored and just wanted to go home while Zack was a little worried about all of this.

"I dunno.Bye."  Zack says waving them off and us turning back to go our ways but of course that wasnt the case.

Zack suddenly turns around raising his foot up to the fat guys chin glaring at him.

"Do you wanna get him by someone in a cast?Im in a really bad mood."

Seeing this I tug at his shirt making him sit straight to listen to me.

"Zack youre already hurt.You dont want to get even more hurt do you?"

He just sighs as nods at me while I just wanted to get out of here before that Daehoon guy arrived.

As we continue walking back I suddenly feel something so instinctively turn around seeing the Daehoon guy wanting to hit Zack with a bat.

Seeing this I get in front of Zack blocking the hit with my arms.

"Was that just instictive or was it a reflex?" Daehoon asks me putting the bat down.

I just stay there in front of Zack in case he tries to hit him again while Zack looks at me in shock.

"You know Im a bit busy so I'll stop right there but if we had met in my neighbourhood you'd both be going to the hospital."

All three of them than leave as me and Zack just stare at theyre retreating backs before we start going our way once more.

"Hey thanks." Zack says looking away from me.

I just smile at him and let out a small chuckle.
"Its nothing."
After we few days everyone knew about the Daehoon Shin and Doo Lee with Taejoon Park beef.

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