Illegal betting

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A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

Taking a stroll at this time of night was certainly dangerous but did I care?

'Not at all.'

In the end I could still fight and I was just so bored and couldnt fall asleep even though I was tired asf.

Wanting to cross the road I was stopped in my tracks by someone calling my name.Well more like slurring the words but it was still my name.


Turning my head around to see who had called me again I see Jiho walking...well again more like wobbling with two taller figures that were walking behind him.And he was definetly drunk.

'Jiho as much as I wanna help you you cant go around calling peoples names like that especially in the middle of the night.'

"Hey." I say hesitantly trying to make out the figures behind him.

"Jiho is she also one of your friends?" The figure on his right asks him now coming into light.

'No fucking way.Its Jake.Jake motherfucking Kim.That other guy has to be that John I think.Ah that means that the illegal betting arc has started.'

"Yesss she is actuallyyy." Jiho says as all three of then were approaching me.

'Damn how much did he drink?' I think to myself wincing at his drunk form as he could barely walk.

"Ah I'm sorry he is a little drunk right now." Jake apologizes bowing his head while the other guy kept staring like a creep.

"Its okay.Just make sure he gets home safe." I say.

"Of course we will make sure he returns home safely." He says nicely.

'You still are so nice even though youre bad right now.But in the end you are doing it for a good cause.'

"Alright then. I'm sorry but I got to go now." I say signaling my leave.

"Of course.Have a good night."

"You too." I say smiling at them before being able to finally cross the road and make my way back home now.
It had been a few days since when I last had met Jiho and Jake.These last few days Jiho was out of it.Well mostly because he had lost a lot of money.

'I hope that guy actually learns his lesson someday and doesnt become a psychopath like he's supposed to be.' Sighing I continue walking making my way to the convience store.

As I was walking to the convince store I notice that many dark clouds were taking place and covering the dark starry sky.

A few drops of rain start hitting me as I decide to rush there so that I dont get soaked.

As soon as I arrived there the rain started pouring down faster as I open the door getting inside.

Turning my attention to the sight in front of me was suprising to say the least.

Seeing small Daniel hold back Zack from pouncing on Kouji while Zoe,Crystal,Jay and Jiho were standing there sweatdroping at the sight of them.

"Y/N you're here!Where is Elijah? I've been callling him for a long time." Daniel says as he now lets go of Zack.

Getting my phone from my back pocket I now sweatdrop at the sight of numerous calls and texts from Daniel.

'Man I gotta stop silencing my phone.'

"Ah Elijah is not here because he had to meet someone and he asked me to be here."

I say as Daniel listens carefully to me.

Looking around I place my attention to the small computer genius that was behind me while he looked at me with a somewhat dreamy expression.

'Damn this kid really knows how to smell money.'

"But Kouji why'd you ask me to bring my friends over?Is this like some secret mission?" Daniel asks him.

"No I just dont have any friends at all beacuse I'm cocky." Kouji replies nonchalantly.

'So arrogant,yet so smart.'

"Its okay eight is enough." He says as he tosses phones,laptops and wallets at us.

"Okay were signed in.You all are wasting my hard earned money." He says huffing.

As I kept playing I only kept losing.

'This thing is really frustrating.Why do people enjoy this?'

"Hey Kouji do you expect us to win?I'm only losing money here." Zoe says looking up from her computer.

After a while more of playing all of our money was lost.

"Come on Kouji.We lost it all." Zack says as Kouji collects all our laptops and plugs them to his phone while he explains more on what to do.

As he kept explaining and doing his work we saw that the points had been charged again.

He only kept explaining and typing on his laptop but this kid was actually scary.In the end he was only a middle schooler.

With the fake points he kept withdrawing money.

"With that amount were in the clear.Go withdraw the money from the neighborhood atms." Kouji says to Jiho while the latter went outside to collect the money.

After Jiho had collected the money it was a total of 300,000$.In the end Jiho had only gotten 30,000$ while Kouji got the rest.

"This time I helped you but get your life together by now." Kouji said before leaving.

Jiho only nodded as he kept sobbing and sniffling before he broke out into a sob.

"Thank you.Thank you...everyone."

I could see everyone felt bad for him including me.

'Finally this is over.' I think to myself smiling as I see the rain coming to a stop.
Hello my lovely readers.I hope you enjoyed this chapter.I hope you're having a good day or night.Anyways if you enjoyed this chapter then dont forget to vote.Bye💕

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