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A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

It had been about ten minutes now since this guy from PtJ had stopped Daniel and I was getting bored alright.

Daniel kept refusing but the man was desperate as he kept begging him one way or another.

"And MEALS are included.Its not a big deal though."

Daniel perked up at that as he did a whole 180 still not fully giving in.

"Then I'll think about it."

I side eye him as he was practically drooling at the thought of free food.

After a while I was completely zoned out so I really wasnt focused on the conversation but one sentence caught my attention.

"I might accept him if also that girl that was with you at the festival comes." The guy says as kept looking at Duke with a frown.

"I'll bring her." Daniel says.

"Fine." The man finally accepted.

'Wait but what girl?'
And this is how I found myself in the audition alongside Duke and Daniel.

Just let me explain how it happened.

After school had ended I was finally home as I removed my wig and wore some comfy clothes.

Stretching my body as I felt a satisfying bone pop I smiled in excitment and relief about the days that would come.

"I finally wont have to deal with fighting someone or to be caught up in some bullshit Im not supposed to be apart of."

As I was about to lay down and sleep for a while as I was tired from school I heard a knock on my door which made me stop in my tracks.

Turning my attention to the door I raise an eyebrow in confusion at who it could be so I decide to open it.

Upon opening the door I was met with the sight of Daniel smiling down at me anxiously as if he wanted to ask me something.

"Hey Y/N..." He says a little nervous.

"Oh hey Daniel.Im sorry but Elijah is not here for the moment.(Please leave).Maybe if you want to meet him you could come here later.(Dont come back again).

"Ah well I didnt want to talk with Elijah.I wanted to talk with you." He says looking away from me.

"With me?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow. "Why would you wanna talk with me?"

"Well today at school a guy from PTJ came to recruit me and I also wanted to bring Duke cause it will be a big opportunity for Duke but he said that if I also bring you then he will accept Duke.So will you come to the audition?"

I blink at him once then twice trying to process the information before giving him a blank "No" before trying to close the door but he stopped it.

"Please Y/N if not for me just do it for Duke ."

"Daniel I dont want to be an idiol.Let alone a trainee."

"But please do this for Duke."


"Please.This will be the last time I involve you in this kind of stuff." He says almost begging me as he looks at me like a kicked puppy.

" you actually promise?" I sigh rubbing the bridge of my nose knowing Im gonna get caught up in more shit than I am.

"Yes yes I promise and thank you.Also the audition is tomorrow at 1pm."

"Alright bye." I say finally closing the door and pressing my forehead against it in a regrettable manner as i mutter to myself.

"What have I gotten myself into."

So long story short.This is how I found myself in the audition room about to embarrass myself.

Poor Duke worked really hard for it.As he rapped, singed and danced.He really was serious about this thats why it made me accept.

Daniel...started singing the national anthem.

And when it was my turn I felt like a deer being caught in headlights since everyone was looking at me.

Especially from the black glass of the recording room where we couldnt see anything but I knew DG was in there.

"Hi.My names Y/N L/N.I didnt really prepare anything but I'll sing a song that its called *Let me in* by Kanii. (Dont ask why.)

The whole song and I mean the whole song I was cringing so hard I just hope my voice wouldnt break down.

...It did...but thankfully nobody noticed it that much.

"Good job.Thanks for your time.Goodbye." They say as we were finally free.

As we were going out Daniel kept saying how good me and Duke were while I would stare at him in shock on how he found my performance good.

As we were walking out of the buildings we were suddenly stopped at the door by the fans of DG.

As we were trying to pass all his fans they only kept gushing on about how hot me and Daniel were and kept insulting Duke on how ugly he was.

It honestly made me mad on how people still judge others based by their looks without actually knowing them.

Suddenly loud almost deafening squeals and cheers came from behind us as I saw DG finally come out.

Though it felt weird.He wasnt only staring at Daniel but also towards me.

The look he gave was one of pure confusion and thats what I was feeling right now.Confusion on why he would look at me like that.

After he cast us one last glance he turned around as I kept staring at his retreating back.

"Y/N are you coming?" Daniel asks me seeing as I was frozen on my spot.

"Ah yeah." I say as I lightly jog to catch up with them.
Laying on my bed staring at that damn white ceiling that I've been waking up to everyday the only thing I could think about was DG.

The way he stared at me as if he knew me or knew something.The look of pure confusion as if he was suprised to see me just didnt sit right with me.

Suddenly a loud ringing coming from my phone pulled me out of my thoughts making me stare at it in confusion before picking it up.

"Hello Y/N L/N?" The woman on the other line said in a questioning tone.

"Hi.Yes that is me."

"Congratulations.You passed the audition." The woman said in a cheery like tone.

"Huh-I what now?"

"You passed along with your friends.Come chat at the office tomorrow."

"Uh okay."

"Have a good evening."

"Yeah.You too."

At that I just hang up still trying to process what she told me.

"Wait I got accepted.Fuck I'll be going there everyday now.But what about school?You know what I'll just call in sick."

"Wait how did I even get accepted?"
A/n:Hello my lovely readers.I hope you liked this chapter.Thank you to all the support you have given me on this stary.Im also sorry that I've been unmotivated these past few days.Anyways I hope you did enjoy this chapter so dont forget to vote.Bye💕

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