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A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

As the sun was once again shining and the birds were once again chirping I was on guard at every corner I took hoping that I don't see another maniac that was after me.

Thankfully I was still ok with a couple bruises but otherwise I was alright, but, my home was a whole different story.

After Samuel had barged in he had broken so many things and don't even get me started on the whole door thing.

I literally had to pack all of my things and go to a motel to spend the night and think about what to do.

And don't even get me started on Daniel.

When he returned from school he had passed my house and had seen it completely uninhabited and broken so he was worried.

He had not only blown up my phone in texts but also in calls where he was questioning me on what happened and if I was okay only for me to respond with a thumbs up emoji.

Of course I had to lie and say that someone had broken into my house and robbed it and thankfully he believed it.

Like come on.I couldn't tell him I fought a guy with daddy issues and an inferiority complex.

Luckily today there wasn't any manic I had to encounter so as soon as I saw the school gates I dashed through them.

I really didn't want to jinx it.I really don't want to fight another lunatic.

As I maneuvered my way towards class I kept hearing other students talk about some photos and stocking but it's not like I was really paying attention.

As soon as I opened the door to the classroom I saw Daniel, Jay and Zack talking about god knows what in which they would also make me participate in.

Honestly it was like a group activity where they would say some of the most obnoxious things known to man well expect for Jay of course.

But fortunately Zoe also arrived and instead told us about what happened to her this morning.

"He told you to sell your spit?" Daniel and Zack shouted together,Jay too but he didn't really voice it out.

"I'm serious.It was so scary."

As Zoe was talking about what happened to her a shiver went down my spine as I thought about what happened to me the other day.

"Stop will all the bullshit.Who would wanna buy your spit?"

"Want me to spit on you?"

As we were comforting Zoe on what happened for Zack it was like a lightbulb turned on giving him an idea.

"Wait!100 dollars for a spit.Then maybe I should also..."

"Ew no one would want your spit. You're just disgusting."

I say hitting Zack on the back of his head with a disgusted look on my face while Zack turned to me like an angry dog.

"Do you really have to hit me everytime I say something?"

"Yes because it's always fucking stupid."

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