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A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

Walking into the cafeteria with Zack,Daniel and Jay all heads turn to our direction as they start whispering.

"Im starving.Get me some water." Zack says as I turn my head in his directions with a confused look.

"Sure hot or cold?" Daniel asks him.

'Am I the only one who finds it weird here?'

"Cold."  Says Zack nonchalantly.

"Why do you want water when youre hungry?" I ask him still confused.

"You have no business with my appetite." Zack says sassily as he walks away.

'What?That doesnt even make sense.'

Getting my tray and sitting next to Daniel I start eating my food and minding my own business but suddenly stop as I hear people whisper about us.

"Those guys are so annoying.Pacebook stars?Really?"

"Those guys are so cringy."

"Theyre things are definetly fucking small."

"Isnt Beom way better?Youre an A-list fit model after all."

"That goes without saying.If I did social media those two would be nothing."

Scrunching my nose in disgust as I look at their group I then turn my attention to Daniel who...well was Daniel who kept smiling and all.

'Ah to be oblivious like you.' I think as I take another bite of my food.
As school had ended a man in his mid-thirties maybe  had stopped us and asked me and Daniel to model for his shop.

"...What?A fit model you say!" Daniel asks him shocked.

"Please take my card.I saw you two on Pacebook and then came to find you. Id like you to model for my website." He says handing his card to us.

"Hey mister I can help you out.How much does it pay?"  Zack asks joining our conversation.

"Since it's one person fund-it's not well funded but for Daniel and Elijah I'd pay 100$ a day."

Daniel and Zack look shocked at the man's words while I just nod my head as I continue looking at the card.

'Should I do it?I dont know.Maybe It'll be fun.'

Suddenly a benz comes up to us as more people start whispering.

"Are you Daniel Park and Elijah L/N?" He asks getting out of the car.

"Good to meet you. Here's my card." He says handing out his own cards.

'So no introduction no nothing.And who the fuck names their shop *Oh Clothing*.'

"Of course it's 100 per hour." He says as I raise my head up not noticing I hadn't heard the rest of the conversation.

At that both of them are more shocked as Zack tries to persuade the owner.

"Can I think about it and get back to you?" Daniel asks even though it was clear he really wanted to do it because of the money.

"Sure.Think about it and contact me." The owner says as he now turns to me.

"I dont want to do it." I tell him handing him back his card.

At that sentence everyone around me was shocked.

"Why dont you think about it?This is a deal you might not get again." The owner says clearly shocked that I would refuse him.

"Nah I'd rather model for him." I say pointing at the other guy.

"Ok then but you'll regret this." He says more offended now.

"Mister I can do it for you instead of him." Zack says trying to persuade the owner again while he refuses him again.
The next day Daniel had contacted me saying he wants to model for the guy who had asked us first so now we were in a van going somewhere to take the photos.

As the van suddenly came to a stop the door opens with the light from outside hitting us as the owner holds the bags.

"Are we here yet. I'll help carry the bags." Daniel says coming out first as I come out after him.

"Its ok." The owner says but nonetheless me and Daniel carried some of the bags.
As we took another photo more and more people started staring at us.

'Uhh why do so many people have to stare at us.Like you can look somewhere else.'

Daniel was super serious about this while I just came      here to do it for fun and it was but with the people looking at us I just felt uncomfortable.

"Ok lets take five. I'll get you both a drink." The owner says looking at the pictures.

"Ok thanks." Daniel says.

"Thanks." I also say.

"Daniel? I'm upset.I thought you were gonna contact me.Did I not pay you enough?How much are they paying you?I can even give you more." He says looking at me.

"As I have said before I dont accept.I like these clothes more.Theyre definetly way better." I say refusing him for the second time now.

"I think our clothes are way nicer.I want to keep wearing them." Daniel says almost glaring at him.

"Really?Fine.When they fail give me a call." He says acting cool while he was definetly pissed by our responses.

"Here have a drink Daniel and Elijah." The owner says smiling.

"Oh youre already back?" Daniel asks confused.

"Thanks." I say sipping the coffe in my hands.

After we had finished our drinks me and Daniel were looking at Beom and Joy to see how we could also pose and it was embarrassing.

"Im not gonna pose like that whatsoever." I say pointing at them while Daniel also cringes.

"You think I want to do that?" Daniel asks me pointing at himself.

When it was our time to take the pictures we posed just like Joy and Beom did and I was feeling so embarrased while the others liked this.

'This is such a weird pose.I swear I'll never do modeling ever again.'

After another break Joy comes to us more like she went over to Daniel and then started modelling for us with our clothes.

I just stayed back while Joy and Daniel wore matching shirts since it felt like I'd be third wheeling.

After all that we went for dinner and then went home where I could finally rest in my bed.
A/n:Hello my lovely readers.I hope you also enjoyed this chapter.I feel like this was also a really bad chapter.I just hope you still like this story just as much beacause I'm trying.Anyways dont forget to vote.Bye💕

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