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A/N:"this is when they talk"
'this is when they think'

Looking at my closet I look at the small choice of clothes.The two pair of unifroms,a black t-shirt,some grey pants and other necessities.

I sigh.  "I should really go shopping shouldnt I?"

I mutter to myself as I start getting dressed firstly putting on my binder wearing my t-shirt and grey pants before  putting on my wig and finally putting on my jacket.

"It was really hard being Elijah and Y/N.Its like I have two bodies but its the same body but different gender...Yeah im confusing myself by saying this."

I mutter to myself sweatdropping. 'Maybe I'm also going crazy.Who knows?'

I shrug to myself grabbing my phone and keys and some money for some reason finally getting out and locking the door.

I start walking as I freeze trying to remember again the place where they told me to meet up. 

'Where was I supposed to go?I dont even know his contact?Who am I supposed to call or text to ask for directions?Fuckkk.'

I stay there thinking on all my life decisions as I suddenly hear someone calling my name.

"Hey Elijah." I hear Daniel calling out to me waving his hand at me smiling.

'Finally.He really is an angel.Ngl this feels like deja vu.' I shrug to myself as I wave back at him as I go over to him.

"Hey Daniel.Do you perhaps know where we are supposed to go because I dont remember shit on what thely told me or what directions they gave me."

I tell him as he only chuckles fishing put his phone and showing me the messages and the directions.

We both laugh a little and start walking there talking about some school stuff and he started talking about little Daniel

He started saying some sweet stuff on how I was really nice to him and things like that and it made me feel really warm inside but I had to play my part.

"Hey Daniel.How do you know my sister?" I ask him keeping a poker face trying not to laugh as I raise my eyebrows at him in a questioning manner.

He suddenly freezes as he stumbles over his words remebering that he didnt meet *me* in his handsome body.

"Dont get me wrong but she never mentioned that she met you." I say again trying to keep my laugh as I play my role perfectly while Daniel rubs his neck nervously trying to think of an excuse.

"Uhh its because...I heard of her because of my roomate.The little Daniel.Yeah.He talks about Y/N when she visits him."

He says exclaiming pretty fast and moving his hands and arms around to make it believable.

I look at him before chuckling as he laughs with me nervously.  "Ok.That clears it out then."

We start laughing with each other again cracking some jokes here and there while he checks his phone from time to time for more messages from Doo.

"But is this the alley?" He asks.
"Gotta be since thats what it says." I say shrugging.

"Why would they wanna eat here?Its so run down.And the restaurant is on the second floor.No is."

At that moment he was mostly talking to himself as hes eyes shine with happines of finally having more friends.I pat his back knowing that he will be disappointed later.

"Behind these doors are our new friends." He says turning his attention to me.
"Nervous?" I ask him smiling softly.
"A little." He says smiling back.
"Lets go in then." I tell him smiling feeling a little bad that he wouldnt like the view he would see at all.

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