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Charlie was at home as Bella was at school obsessing over a Cullen when he had a phone call from a hospital in Seattle."Is this Charlie Swan?" A lady asked kindly."It is yes. Who is calling?" Charlie asked politely.

"This is Dr. Glass, I'm calling to inform you that your sister Carly has passed away from stage 4 breast cancer. Would you be able to come to Seattle urgently?" Dr. Glass informs him."Yes straight away, I'll be there in two hours," Charlie says hanging up.

Charlie makes his way to Seattle and heads to Carly's room. Jessie looks up to see her uncle who she had seen photos of.

"Hey Jessie, I'm your uncle Charlie. Remember me?" Charlie asked gently."I remember you, your mommy's brother. Can I go home now?" Jessie asked.

"Soon, you'll be coming home with me as your mommy has passed away and I have to take care of you now is that okay?" Charlie tells her gently.

"That's okay," Jessie nods. Charlie nods and pulls the doctor over."She has autism, can we get the paperwork sorted I'll be sorting out funeral arrangements from Forks if you could have her body transferred to Forks hospital" Charlie explains."We can do that yes, we're sorry for your loss Mr Swan." The doctor says politely

The funeral was being done in Forks but wouldn't be for a couple of weeks so Charlie had time to get Jessie settled before the funeral.

Charlie got home with Jessie and got her settled in her room. Jessie felt okay at Charlie's home but felt unnerved when Bella returned home.

At the same time as this was happening. Paul Lahote was the third person to phase and joined Sam Uley and Jared Cameron's small pack. Harry Clearwater explained everything to Paul and explained imprinting to Paul.

He told Paul he may get a romantic one, a sibling one, or a protector one, and whichever one he gets he must treasure them forever.

If he gets a child for an imprint he has to stop aging and restart when they are eighteen years old. Paul nodded in understanding.

The prologue is done ✔️ Jessie is yet to meet everyone and Jessie is autistic and has difficulty with the social aspects of life so this will be an interesting imprint for Paul.


1. Who is excited about this one?

2. How do you think the two will react to one another?

3. Should Jessie meet the Cullens?

4. How does this book sound so far?

5. Who is excited for Paul to imprint on Jessie?

6. Do we think the pack will like her?

Jessie Swan- Paul Lahote Fanfic 🐺Where stories live. Discover now