🪦Chapter Sixteen🪦

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Jessie got her backpack and her ear defenders ready as Luna beeped her horn signalling she was there." Jessie! Bree! Luna is here!" Ashley shouts up the stairs."Coming!!" The girls shout downstairs as they run to the door.

"Have a nice day girls, go and have fun," Charlie tells them." Byee!!" Jessie says, running out to the car. Bree helps her into the jeep, and they head off to the pack house.

"Ready for a day with us?" Luna asked, looking at Jessie in her mirror." Uh-huh, I want Paul!" Jessie says with a smile. Luna smiles and carries on driving to the pack house.

Paul was waiting for Jessie's arrival, and he perked up a bit. Luna pulls into Sam's drive and presses the horn. Sam, Jared, Paul, Jasper, and Rhea exited to see Luna and the girls on the drive.

"Hey, up for some company?" Luna winks as she leans out the window. "Always, Rhea smiles. Paul and Jasper jog to open the doors for Jessie and Bree. Jared helps Luna out.

Paul helps Jessie out of the jeep who jumps into his arms." Hi Paul! I've brought Coraline for me and you to watch as it's my new favourite and ParaNorman," Jessie says happily, stimming.

"Ooh, we'll see it later, we got to go and get Jake first since Sam, Jared, Embry, and Emmett are going out with the girls," Paul says with a smile.

"Can I come, please?" Jessie asked with a smile." Sure, sweet pea," Paul grins happily." Jasper and Emmett can stay here with the girls," Rhea winks as the four go to Jake's, and Jessie is on Paul's back to the Black's house.

They made their way through the woods to see Bella's truck on Jake's drive and Bella coming at them. Bella shoves Sam and yells at him," You took Jake away. Why?!" Bella yells. Paul got defensive, and Sam made him back up.

"Is he scared of you?" Bella questions, and Paul and Jared laughed." No, he's not, Jake is happy now, go away!" Jessie yells, waking Jake up, who came out to see Bella causing trouble.

Bella slapped Paul, who was getting angry quickly," Bella, get back!" Sam yells." Paul! calm down, you can't! Not with Jessie here," Sam tries, and Paul gets angry." EMBRY GRAB HER NOW!" Paul shouts, and Embry takes Jessie and turns her around so she doesn't see Paul get angry and phase.

Jake phases to stop Paul from being stupid, and the two start fighting because Paul is so stubborn, and they go at it.

"Take Bella and Jessie to Rhea's," Sam says before chasing after the two wolves." Guess the wolf out the bag, huh Jess?" Embry jokes, making her laugh.

"But she's gonna see Jazz and Emmett?" Jessie whispers into Embry's ear."Oh yeah, that's true, ring Roxy quickly," Embry says, calling Roxy.

"Hello?" Roxy says." Hi, it's Jess, Em says to tell J and E to go hide as my cousin is coming to Rhea's house," Jessie says softly." Got it! Thanks for the heads up," Roxy says, hanging up.

Jared and Embry take Bella and Jessie back to Rhea's house." Come on, Bella," Jared says." Shouldn't we go check on them?" Bella questions." Nope, they'll be fine," Embry shakes his head.

They all enter the house, and Liv and Morgan immediately hug Jessie." Is that vampire girl?" Liv asked." Yep," Jessie nods." Is that why the two of them are hiding?" Morgan whispers, and Jessie nods in confirmation.

"So what's gone on?" Rhea asked." Bella struck Paul in the face, and Jake phased to stop him from scaring Jessie," Embry explains." What made you think that was a good idea, you stupid cow?" Rhea asked." Well, I wanted to know why Sam took Jake away from me?" Bella shrugs

"So you thought I'd go a punch Sam and his mates because Jake no longer wishes to play with you?" Rhea responds."Grow up seriously, you're eighteen chasing a sixteen-year-old boy who has made it clear he's got no interest in you whatsoever," Rhea scoffs.

"So, are you all werewolves?" Bella asked, "Don't answer that you owe her fuck all," Rhea said before carrying on doing food." But I deserve to know!" Bella says." You don't deserve shit," Roxy says.

Sam walked in and kissed Rhea before facing Bella." Just because you have seen something doesn't mean you get to know, our turf our rules," Sam says with crossed arms.

Paul and Jacob enter the house and Liv runs into Jake's arms he smiles brightly at her as Paul goes to Jessie." I'm sorry for perhaps scaring you if I have?" Paul says softly.

"You didn't, but I didn't like the fighting, I hate that," Jessie says sadly." I'm sorry princess, and to make it up to you we'll watch Scooby doo, Coraline, and ParaNorman all day what do you say?" Paul grins.

Jessie nods happily and flaps her hands to show her excitement." Go get your movies from upstairs," Paul says with a smile. Jake looked up to scowl at Bella." You need to leave your not welcome here," Jake says hugging Liv.

"But I want to know about you," Bella tries." The answer is no," Luna says firmly." You're not allowed to be here so get your flat ass into your truck and leave now!" Rhea warns her.

Bella scoffs and leaves for home," Jacob Black! PAUL LAHOTE!" Rhea yells." I'm sorry!" Jake/ Paul quickly apologizes. Rhea chuckles at them and gives him a slice of cake as she does to everyone else.

Jasper and Emmett come downstairs and the girls leave for a day of shopping with the lads whilst Jake, Jasper, and Paul watch over Liv, Bree, Morgan, and Jessie as they have a movie night. Jessie was snuggled into Morgan's arms as Paul held them both. Liv laid in Jacob's arms and Bree was the same in Jasper's.

Chapter 16 is done ✔️ Bella knows about the pack, but she isn't wanted by the pack 🤣

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