🪷Chapter five🪷

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Jessie heads to the reservation with Paul and Charlie since she was spending the day with Paul and the pack. Jessie brought her tablet and ear defenders in case everything gets too much for her."Ready for a day with me?" Paul says with a smile."Yes," Jessie nods.

Jessie holds Paul's hand as Charlie drives them to Sam's, who is waiting for them along with Rhea, Luna, Jared, Liv, and Morgan. Charlie pulls up, and Paul gets Jessie out, and she clings to Paul.

"Jess, here's your bag and ear defenders so I'll see you later at 5 pm have fun with the guys and the girls and I'll see you then," Charlie says with a smile.

"See you at five Uncle Charlie," Jessie says softly. Paul brings Jessie in, and she sees Liv and Morgan. Liv and Morgan immediately come over to say hello.

"Hi, Jess, want to come and play with us?" Liv asks. Jessie looks at Paul, who nods."Go on, Jess, it's alright to play," Paul says with a smile.

"Okay, but you'll still be here, right?" Jessie asks "Yeah, I ain't leaving you, Jess, I promise you," Paul says, picking Jessie up.

"Okay!" Jessie smiles. "Go play, I'll have to go out for a moment just a moment, and I'll be back with Jared, is that okay?" Paul asks."Uh-huh, just come back," Jessie says." I always will Jess," Paul nods.

Paul heads off with Jared for lunchtime patrol. Jessie played with Liv and Morgan and got a bit overwhelmed she headed outside whilst everyone was distracted and went for a wander.

Jessie had her ear defenders on and couldn't hear a sound. Jasper was walking through the woods and found Jessie sitting on a tree drawing away.

Jasper slowly approaches Jessie and lightly taps her, making her bolt right up."Hi Jessie, I'm sorry for scaring you," Jasper says soothingly.

"No, it's fine honestly, are you exploring the woods too, or did you eat?" Jessie asked. "I went to eat. Why are you not with Paul?" Jasper asked.

"He's gone out, and it was too noisy there for me," Jessie says, edging closer to Jasper. "Well, I can sit with you till you feel okay again," Jasper says soothingly.

Jessie leans into Jasper's side, Jasper stiffens up at first but relaxes as she doesn't make him want to lose control.

"Jasper?" Jessie says softly."Yes, little one," Jasper says gently."Are you sticking around?" Jessie wonders."Of course, why do you ask?" Jasper wonders."No reason, I'd just wanted to make sure you and Emmett were staying around," Jessie murmurs.

"We won't go anywhere," Jasper says soothingly. Paul and Jared were on patrol and smelt Jasper and Jessie and set off running in their direction.

Jasper tenses up, and Paul and Jared make themselves known to Jasper and Jessie."Pretty wolves," Jessie says."Very pretty," Jasper nods in agreement.

Paul wolf trots forward nuzzles Jessie and growls at Jasper."No, Jasper is my friend, be nice," Jessie says softly."I best be off Jessie, see you soon," Jasper says softly."Bye Jasper," Jessie waves.

Jessie looks at the wolves, and Jessie gets up and strokes Jared's wolf. Paul nuzzles Jessie's side."This world is so strange, I'm trying to understand it, Paul is trying, but I know he is getting frustrated sometimes," Jessie mutters.

Paul Wolf whines at this and nudges her in comfort."Jessie!!!" Jessie hears Sam calling her."I got to go bye wolves," Jessie says, walking off.

She walks through the woods and trips, but Sam catches her before falling to the ground."Thanks," Jessie mutters."Why were you in the woods?" Sam asked.

"I wanted quiet, so I went to five minutes peace, sorry," Jessie shrugs."That's okay, sorry Liv and Morgan are quite loud girls. I've told them to be quieter next time for you," Sam smiles.

Jessie Swan- Paul Lahote Fanfic 🐺Where stories live. Discover now