🪢Chapter Twenty-Nine🪢

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It was the morning after the stag do and hen do and everyone was eating and recovering from a night of drinking fun and games all night long. Charlie was up early had a shower and freshened up his moustache for the wedding.

Ashley got up and had a shower before eating a light breakfast with the girls as Charlie did a fry-up for the lads. Sue had paid a makeup artist to come and do their make-up. Since it was the wedding of Charlie and Ashley.

Everyone had gone down to the beach and made it wedding-ready by removing any trash and closing it off for the evening. Sue and the pack began to get ready as the sun started to set for the full moon-rising wedding.

The girls got Ashley and Jessie ready and the lads helped Charlie get ready. Their wedding was traditional but modern."Have we got Wanda?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, she is here," Jessie says looking at her dog"Emmett, can you help with the benches with the lads?" Sue asked with a smile.

"And Jasper can you please make sure everything is set up as the groom is on his way with old Quil and Billy," Sue says with a smile.

Everyone started to arrive and the wedding started Charlie and Ashley exchanged vows and everyone began to say their piece to the newlyweds. Everything went extremely smoothly, nothing got ruined, and Jessie watched her Aunt and Uncle get married and set off for their honeymoon.

The pack and everyone celebrated the marriage of Charlie Swan and Ashley Swan as they went to Paris for three weeks. Everyone wasn't on patrol and was allowed to relax with their imprints tonight.

Charlie and Ashley both were enjoying Vancouver and both decided that they would want to adopt children and give them a chance at a new life. Everyone else was ready for a new chapter in their lives and ready to start something new.

Jessie was at Sue's house and she and Seth were having a gaming competition Jessie was winning. Paul made sure that the Denali coven was still okay with him, Jessie, and two others coming to Alaska to see Riley.

They still gave the go ahead and Paul made sure that he was prepared to go and made sure that he had everything he needed for the journey there and back.

Paul was ready to have some time with Jessie without any disruption and he wanted to meet the guy who protected Jessie despite taking her in the first place.

Chapter 29 is done ✔️ Charlie and Ashley are married ❤️ Everyone is starting their new lives and everyone is ready for something new🥺

One small chapter left!

Ready to say goodbye to Jessie?

Who is sad to see this book end?

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