🎮Chapter Twenty-five🎮

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Riley and the newborns were arriving in Forks and Jessie was on Riley's back. The pack was waiting in surprise and the Denali coven was standing with the Cullens. Seth was up on the mountain with Edward and Bella.

Riley, Jessie, and the army made their way towards the field when Victoria pulled Jessie and Riley to go and find Edward and Bella." They aren't on the field," Victoria says smirking at Jessie." They are up there," Victoria says looking at the mountain.

They head up to the mountain and hear voices." She coming, but she not coming alone. She knew I wouldn't be on the field with them, she knew I'd be up here with you," Edward says. Victoria and Riley appear with Jessie and they see Seth, Bella, and Edward standing," Jessie are you okay?" Edward asked.

"No, I want Paul," Jessie says softly leaning into Jessie's arms. Seth goes to attack Riley," Seth no!" Jessie says softly and Seth stops." He's my friend, he protected me from everything, please don't hurt him?" Jessie pleads.

Seth backs up and stands down," Let her go, Riley," Edward says aggressively," No, she's safer with me," Riley says holding her close." Your battalion is dead Victoria you lost," Edward smugly says.

Ashley arrives with Paul," Jessie!" Ashley shouts. Jessie looks to see Ashley and Paul Wolf there," Paul! Ashley!" Jessie says softly smiling. Paul goes to Jessie and checks her over," I'm safe, Riley kept me safe," Jessie says stroking Paul's fur.

Riley puts her on his back," I'm sorry for taking her, I wish her no harm and I hope you can forgive me one day," Riley says. Paul huffs in response," Jessie! Paul! Seth! go," Ashley tells them firmly. Paul and Seth leave with Jessie," Ashley don't hurt Riley, please! He's my friend!" Jessie pleads.

Jessie leaves with the pack and goes to the pack house where Rhea stood by the door." Jessie?" Rhea says unsure." Jessie!!!" Rhea yells and runs out and picks her up."Rhea!!" Jessie cries and hugs her." Oh princess, you're home, we got to call Charlie now!!" Rhea says." I'll phone him," Luna says with a smile." Welcome home princess," Luna says hugging Jessie.

Back at the field, Riley left Victoria to fight Edward and Bella alone. Riley saw a blonde lady next to a brunette woman and a man," Hello?" Riley says softly." Hi, I'm Tanya Denali aren't you one of the newborns?" Tanya questions.

"I'm a year-old vampire," Riley says softly." I was protecting a little girl who got caught in this, and I don't even know why. I just felt a family bond with her," Riley tells Tanya." Jessie must be related to you," Tanya says." You're my mate aren't you?" Riley works out.

"I am," Tanya smiles." I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give me a chance?" Riley says softly."I can we got forever with each other," Tanya smiles and hugs him." You all have to go now!" Carlise says.

The Denali coven leaves with a new member of their coven and heads to Alaska. Back with Edward and Bella, Bella was hiding away from the fight and Edward was losing the fight. Bella decides to cut her arm and Victoria turns to smell the blood and races towards her.

Edward is about to grab Victoria when Ashley holds him down, "What are you doing?!" Edward tries to plead with Ashley."Allowing her to get justice for her mates' death," Ashley says coldly and emotionless. Victoria grabbed Bella ripped her apart and killed her," Thank you for allowing me to do this," Victoria said lowly.

Ashley rips Victoria apart," That's for taking my niece and making her ill," Ashley says before burning Victoria's body to pieces." Now it's your turn," Ashley says coldly. Ashley rips Edward's body to pieces and leaves his body to burn.

She made her way to the four Cullens as Jasper and Emmett had already left for home."Edward and Bella are gone, Victoria killed them," Ashley says coldly." Looks like you wasted your time keeping them alive," Ashley says before making Alice float in the air.

"You! Knew this was always going to happen yet you did nothing to change it, by the powers in my soul. I commend your death," Ashley says emotionlessly and rips her apart as the Volturi turns up.

"Wow I see we aren't needed here," Jane comments." Nope now leave as I'm not afraid to rip you four apart," Ashley warns them off. The guards all leave the field and Ashley leaves for the pack house where everyone is.

Charlie drove like a madman to the pack house where Jessie was snuggled into Paul's arms and both were healing up." Jessie?!" Charlie calls out." Uncle Charlie!!" Jessie says with a soft smile." You're okay!" Charlie says with a soft smile." Yeah I found my way home, a friend brought me home but he's gone away now," Jessie says softly.

Charlie hugs Jessie tightly," You are never leaving my sight again," Charlie says softly kissing Jessie's head." I want to go home now please," Jessie says softly." Come on princess let's go home," Charlie says with a soft nod.

Charlie lifts Jessie," Bye everyone, we'll see you all soon," Charlie says with a smile." Thank you for bringing her home," Charlie says." Bye Charlie, Bye Ashley, Bye Jessie," Everyone waves goodbye.

"Wait! Can Paul come please?" Jessie asks softly." Yeah come one Lahote," Charlie nods and Paul jogs over to the Swans." Thank you, Sir," Paul says with a smile." Not a problem, she loves you," Charlie says with a nod.

Jessie, Charlie, Ashley, Bree and Paul all head to the Swan home where a letter from "Bella" is waiting for Charlie." Oh a letter from Bella," Charlie says. Paul took Jessie from Charlie so he could read the letter.

"Hi, Charlie,

I've left Forks for good with Edward, we aren't coming back and we never plan to, so don't look for me anymore as I disown you and I never want to hear from you again,

From Bella,"

Charlie threw the letter away and faced Ashley, Bree and Paul." I guess that's Bella and Edward went away for good then, "Charlie says with a soft look." Charlie, she was never grateful to you, so I say let her go, you got Jessie who needs you a lot more than your near nineteen-year-old daughter," Ashley says comforting Charlie.

"I know, come on it's time for bed now and we'll have a day together tomorrow," Charlie says sending the trio to bed. Paul and Jessie went to her room where Wanda was," Wanda!!" Jessie squealed happily and hugged her." Come on let's get to bed," Paul says with a smile.

Jessie lays in bed with Paul and Wanda, "I've missed you, Paul, Riley kept me safe and hid me," Jessie says softly." I'm glad he did, you are never leaving my side ever again," Paul says holding Jessie close. Jessie puts her head on Paul's chest and they fall asleep.

Chapter 25 is done ✔️ Jessie is home and back where she belongs❤️ Bella, Edward and Alice are gone Bye 👋

Who expected Ashley to kill Victoria, Edward and Alice?!

Riley got his second chance!!!

Tanya has got her mate after so long!!

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