📖Chapter Twelve📖

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Jessie was at Ruby's beach with Charlie enjoying her last day there as she was heading home tomorrow morning. Charlie checked in with Ashley to see how the house sitting was going and how Bella was behaving herself.

Bella had been acting like a brat towards Ashley and Ashley right-hooked her across the face and put her in place and Bella had now been hanging out with Jacob Black. The pack has been busy hunting a redhead whilst keeping an eye on Jacob just in case he phases.

Jessie was playing on the beach with Charlie enjoying her last day." Ready for the surprise I got for you," Charlie says with a smile.

"What is it?" Jessie wonders." Well, I know your mommy put in a note for me when you were seven to get you this as you wanted a companion for so long, "Charlie smiles.

Jessie and Charlie headed to an adoption shop for dogs and Jessie looked up at Charlie." Go and meet your dog," Charlie says softly. Jessie nods and walks in to see a golden retriever puppy wagging her tail at her.

"Jessie this is your puppy, what do you want to call her?" Charlie says softly getting to her side." I can call her anything?" Jessie wonders.

Charlie nods in response," Wanda, I want to call her Wanda like the Scarlet Witch," Jessie grins." Wanda it is," Charlie says with a smile." Call her Jessie," Charlie says.

Jessie looks at the dog," Wanda!" Jessie calls the dog and the dog runs to her and wags her tail." Hi, I'm Jessie I'm your new companion," Jessie grins.

Wanda sniffs Jessie out and snuggles into her lap," Let's get going home Jessie and we can show Ashley and Bree Wanda," Charlie says softly. Jessie nods enthusiastically and picks Wanda up as they head back to the car.

Charlie straps Jessie in and Wanda settles down in the car with ease." Ready to get back home? And tomorrow I have another surprise for you," Charlie says."What's the surprise?"Jessie wonders." Can't tell you sorry it'll spoil it," Charlie grins.

"I don't like surprises," Jessie grumbles." Jessie, I promise you will love this one," Charlie says with a smile." Okay, I trust you," Jessie says softly smiling." I'm glad you do princess," Charlie grins. Charlie drives home where Ashley and Bree are waiting for Charlie and Jessie's arrival.

Charlie took Jessie to get something to eat before hitting the road as Charlie wanted to get back by six-thirty in time for Jessie's bath and bedtime so he could get the surprise birthday party at Sam's House ready."I can't wait to see Paul again I've missed him," Jessie grins happily.

"He missed you too, Ashley said he's often busy with school, playing with Emmett and Jasper, and patrolling the beach with Jared as he's waiting for you to come home," Charlie says softly smiling."Can I stay at Paul's house this weekend then?" Jessie wonders." At Rhea's yes," Charlie nods." Okay, can't wait!" Jessie claps happily.

Charlie smiles and they head home now the traffic won't be so bad. As Charlie drove through the road and heard light snores coming from Wanda and looked to see Wanda asleep on Jessie's legs and Jessie fast asleep.

He pulls up onto his drive to see Ashley and Bree waiting for them." Hey you didn't have to wait for us, you could have gone home," Charlie says getting out of the car." Nonsense Charlie, I've done you some pizza and I got a cold beer waiting for you so go in and I'll get Jessie to bed and her puppy too," Ashley says with a smile.

Charlie headed inside with the bags as Bree picked up Wanda and Ashley picked Jessie up carefully. They headed inside and Jessie got placed in bed straight away and tucked into bed as Wanda joined her on the bed." Are they ready down the reference for her party?" Charlie questions softly.

"Yeah, they'll be ready for the party at twelve and Rhea is happy to have Wanda and Jessie for a couple of nights," Ashley grinned. Charlie nods in response, "Ashley I've been thinking about me and you and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me and be my partner?" Charlie asked with a soft smile.

"Of course, I will Charlie Swan, and it's about time you asked me out, "Ashley winks. Charlie grins and Bree claps for them," About time," Bree says with a smile.

Charlie smiles brightly for the first time after a long while," Now I have something to ask you as Jessie's stitches are gone did you have something to do with that?" Charlie asks with a look.

Ashley nods, "I'm a Scarlet Witch, Bree is a young one and I healed her wounds fully and I put a silence spell in Bella's door so you could have some sleep," Ashley says showing her red magic.

Like this-

"Thank you for that

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"Thank you for that. Are there any other supernatural creatures I should know about?" Charlie says with a look." That we can't disclose without their permission," Ashley says with a soft smile.

"That's fair, I won't push any further but thank you for trusting me with this," Charlie says softly kissing Ashley's cheek. Charlie let Bree and Ashley head to bed for the night and headed to bed himself.

Chapter 12 is done ✔️  Jessie's party is next up and sleepover with the pack🥰

Ready for Jake to phase?

Ready for Embry's book to come out soon?

Ready for Jessie and Paul to see each other again?

This is Wanda the puppy-

Jessie will not go to Italy!!!

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Jessie will not go to Italy!!!

She will be involved with the newborn army but be at the pack house!!

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