🔻Chapter Eighteen🔻

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Jessie was on the beach with the pack except for Jake, Sam, and Jasper as they were chasing after the redhead whilst keeping hidden from Charlie and Harry thanks to Bella opening her mouth.

Jessie was running around with Wanda and Paul," Can we go swimming?" Jessie asked with a smile."Yes if you like," Paul says with a smile.

Paul takes Jessie swimming and the pack joins the duo in the water. Jake arrives and joins Liv in the water since Emmett going to help Sam and Jasper.

Liv noticed Bella on the cliff." Is that vampire girl on the cliff edge?" Liv questions." Yep, and I guess she gonna dive off there for attention," Jessie mutters.

Jake runs to stop Bella from jumping off the cliff just as Sam comes to the beach to get the pack and tells them to send the imprints home as Harry Clearwater has been rushed to hospital and they need to go there now.

Jacob rescued Bella after she was being dramatic. The pack arrived to see Harry in the hospital and Sue was there with Leah and Seth.

Harry passed away after a short while and Paul held Jessie who was sad," It's like watching my mom die all over again, I don't want you to die, Paul," Jessie said sadly." I won't ever," Paul says softly kissing her head.

Leah and Seth were really angry and upset, Jared and Sam noticed and pulled the two Clearwaters out.

Paul and Jessie followed the pack out and found then phased and two new wolves." Woah, is that Leah and Seth?" Jessie asked Jared's wolf who nodded in response.

Seth wolf trotted forward towards Jessie and Paul put her down and blocked Seth's way to her." No, it's okay, he wouldn't hurt me," Jessie says reaching out to Seth who whines sadly.

"I'm sorry Seth, I know what you are going through and I'm here for you," Jessie says softly stroking him." It's time for you and Leah to shift back," Jessie says stroking Seth's head.

Jared nudges Seth as Embry nudges Leah gently. Leah snaps and growls at everyone." Leah! You're okay, I know you're upset and angry but take it easy," Jessie says softly going up to Leah.

Leah whines," You're angry that's okay, but you can't take it out on people," Jessie says softly and Leah looks up and lets Jessie hug her.

Jessie backs up and stands with Paul and Ashley who were with Sue when they told Sue about Harry they all phase back and Charlie arrives to help Sue with the funeral arrangements.

Jessie saw Seth coming out of the woods and Jessie ran to Seth and hugged him and he hugged her tightly before Jared appeared.

"Hey, that's my imprint backup," Paul jokes. Seth backs up," Leave him alone," Jessie says sticking her tongue out at him. Leah appears very angry and everyone watches her every move.

Jacob returns," Charlie Bella has gone to get Edward from Italy so she's not going around for the funeral," Jacob tells him.

"For fucks sake, I'm so done with her," Charlie groans."Sorry, but that girl is eighteen no longer your problem," Ashley tells him.

Charlie nods in agreement with her," Jessie needs you more than her," Ashley says softly." I agree and she'll be all I'll ever concentrate on," Charlie says with a small smile.

Jessie was playing with Seth and Paul and Paul hoped Seth would find an imprint one day as he needed someone by his side.

Everyone was by the Clearwaters' side and they were grateful for the packs and their imprint support. Leah and Seth both hoped to find someone to love forever. Bella was on her way to Italy and she was there to get Edward home.


Chapter 18 is done ✔️ The Next Chapter is the funeral and Leah and Seth's imprints entering the book and Quil phasing!!

How was the Chapter?

Kind of short sorry!

12 Chapters left!!

A 4th book is in the process of being made!!!

Jessie is sort of involved in the newborn battle!!

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