🕯Chapter Fourteen🕯

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Jessie was at the pack house as she was spending time with Paul since she had been away from him for a weekend. Paul wasn't on patrol and was free to do as he pleased and he decided to spend time with Jessie." So what would you like to do today?" Paul asks sitting by Jessie."Would you mind if we watched movies today?" Jessie asks quietly.

"Of course, what movies would you like?"Paul says softly."Scooby-doo movies please," Jessie says softly hugging Paul's side." We have Zombie Island, Witch's Ghost, School for Ghouls and Boo brothers," Paul lists." All of them please," Jessie says softly smiling." Okay, which one do you want on first or a random one?" Paul smiles." The Witch one first," Jessie says happily stimming.

Paul nods and puts Scooby doo and the Witch's Ghost on, Jessie had her Teddy in her hand and her wolf hat on," Paul cuddle with me!" Jessie claps happily." Of course, milady," Paul winks and Jessie smiles at him.

Paul and Jessie immediately snuggled together and began to watch the first film together." I've missed you Paul, can you stay forever?" Jessie wonders." I'll stay for as long as you want me to," Paul says softly kissing her head.

They were watching the last film when Jessie snuggled into Paul's arms and fell asleep to his heartbeat Paul put a soft blanket over her and let her rest. Rhea comes back from the school run with Liv and Morgan." She loves you, Paul," Rhea notes.

"I know where's everyone?" Paul wonders." Sam, Emmett, and Jasper are dealing with a newly phased Jacob. Jared and Luna are on their way in and Embry is going to Roxy's for the night," Rhea says softly smiling.

Jake enters the house and looks at Liv and imprints on her." JACOB BLACK!!!" Rhea yells chasing him out of the house waking Jessie up and Paul laughs." What's happening?" Jessie asks tiredly." Jake phased and imprinted on Liv so Rhea chased him," Paul laughs." That's funny," Jessie says with a smile.

Jacob came back rubbing his head and Rhea came in pissed off," I'll you black if you hurt my sister," Rhea grits out." Yes madam," Jake says softly smiling as Sam, Emmett, Jasper, Bree, Luna and Jared enter the house." Hi Jake!" Jessie waved hello." Hiya Jess. How are you doing?" Jacob asked with a smile." Good, glad you are here," Jessie says softly smiling.

"Me too Jessie, how come you're not going to school?" Jacob asked." I do half days three days because I don't like being stuck indoors and I hate my teacher," Jessie shrugs and plays with her sensory toys.

Sam pulls Paul to the side," She'll have to go home and now come back for three weeks as I want to make sure Jacob has control over himself and his anger, so no more visits for a while," Sam says carefully." No, she's not leaving my side!" Paul yells getting angry.

Emmett and Jared pull Paul outside as he is shaking and Jessie goes to follow and Jake holds Jessie back." LET GO!! I DON'T LIKE BEING HELD SO LET GO!!"Jessie screams out and Paul snaps out of his mood and goes inside to get Jessie from Jake." Let her go!" Paul warns him." No not until you have calmed down," Jacob says." I am calm. Now! Let.Her.Go!" Paul grits out.

Jacob lets Jessie go and Paul immediately hugs her and holds her close."I'm here, I'm here," Paul says softly kissing her head." Don't leave me," Jessie says sadly. Charlie arrives with Ashley," Jessie time to go home sweetie," Charlie says softly smiling at her.

"No!" Jessie yells and starts throwing things at people." Not going, I want Paul!!" Jessie yells. Paul gets in front of Jessie, "It's alright, I'll come see you tomorrow but you have to go home with Charlie and Ashley for now," Paul says with a smile." I want you," Jessie cries." Please stay!" Jessie cries." Jessie hey, let Paul help Sam out for a week and he'll come over next week okay?" Charlie says gently.

"You promise? He'll come around?" Jessie asks quietly as she wipes her tears."I promise princess, go with Charlie and Ashley and I'll see you soon," Paul says softly kissing her head goodbye.

Jessie nods and heads home with Charlie, Bree and Ashley. Jessie ran upstairs to her safe place and she refused to come out till the day she could see Paul again.


Chapter 14 is done ✔️ Jessie won't see anyone till Chapter 16 to give Jake a few days to be calm and to get used to pack life.

How was this chapter?

Loving Jessie and Paul's bond?

Jessie won't get hurt in chapter 16! Embry holds her close so she doesn't get harmed!

Ready for the Cullens return?

This is going to get more intense and interesting!!!

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