🪞Chapter Seven🪞

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Jessie was now able to get up slightly but still minded her stitches. She was doing some schoolwork with Liv and Morgan since it was the weekend, and she was going to join them at their school."Jessie, can I check your stitches, sweetheart?"Rhea asks gently.

"Okay, where's Paul? He's normally here for this?" Jessie wonders." Out, but it's okay it's just me, and you know me," Rhea says softly.

Jessie nods and lets Rhea lift her top to check her back and neck out. Rhea always looks to make sure it hasn't split open and the stitching is still there.

"So you haven't pulled out any stitching or anything," Rhea says softly." Can I go for a shower or bath?" Jessie asks softly." Of course, I'll go run you a bath, sweetie," Rhea says softly, kissing her forehead.

Jessie went to her bag and got her clothes out when she heard a wolf howl but she carried on sorting clothes out as Rhea came to take Jessie to the bathroom and helped Jessie get undressed and into the bath.

"Is the temperature okay?" Rhea asks as she cleans the blood off Jessie's back and neck," Yeah, can you make sure it's all clean and that nothing gets infected?" Jessie asked softly.

"Of course, Liv and Morgan have gotten you your fluffy pj's for after the bath. Is that okay with you?" Rhea asks." Yeah, I want to wear soft clothes for now," Jessie says softly, smiling. Paul returned to see Liv and Morgan's drawing.

"Where is Jessie?" Paul asked "She is currently having a bath," Morgan says." Oh good, and Rhea helping her out?" Paul asks.

Morgan nods as Sam and Jared return as Paul sits by the stairs," Rhea! Jess! Everything okay up there?!" Paul calls up." Fine Paul," Rhea shouts back." Paul?!"Jessie calls out." Yeah?" Paul says." Can I lay next to you again?" Jessie wonders.

"Anytime you want kiddo," Paul chuckles."Paul, you are gonna have to move now as Jessie is coming out to get dressed so scoot, mister," Rhea says, showing her face." Can I help?" Paul asks." Nope, now scoot," Rhea says, pointing away.

Paul nods and moves away from the stairs. Fifteen minutes later, Jessie and Rhea came downstairs, and Paul smiled at Jessie," All better now, so can I have a hug now?" Jessie wonders. Paul smiles, and Jessie slowly makes her way to Paul, he lifts her gently onto his lap and holds her close.

"Are the Cullens still here?" Jessie wonders." No, they left," Sam informs her," Oh," Jessie says sadly." Why do you ask?" Paul wonders." Jasper and Emmett said they wouldn't leave and they are gone," Jessie says sadly.

Paul comforts Jessie," Well I can reach out to Carlisle to see if Emmett and Jasper are around and tell them to come visit for a short while?" Sam offers.

"Please? As it wasn't their fault I got hurt," Jessie says softly smiling." Okay, I'll get in contact later on tonight and arrange a visit for tomorrow if they can come around," Sam says gently.

Jessie nodded and a knock on the door disturbed them," Hi Charlie how are you?" Rhea greets Charlie and hugs him." Not too good Bella's screaming is keeping me up," Charlie groans. Jessie looked up from her half-awake state, "Uncle Charlie you're back!" Jessie smiles.

"Hey princess, how are you?" Charlie says softly kissing her forehead." Sore, but okay, are you staying the night?" Jessie wonders. Charlie went to say no when Rhea stopped him, "Charlie you can stay tonight as you need a break you look like like you're going to pass out," Rhea said softly pulling Charlie to sit down." Sam go and set up the other guest room as the chief of police needs to rest tonight," Rhea says looking at Sam.

Sam nods in agreement, "Thank you, Rhea, I've got work tomorrow as well a lot is going on so thank you," Charlie says softly smiling." Just rest tonight, you and Jessie can have an early night together, "Rhea says. Charlie nods and Jessie slowly makes her way onto Charlie's lap and snuggles with her uncle.

They all have dinner and Charlie takes Jessie up to the room she's been staying in and lays with her for the night." Night Jessie," Paul says softly before heading home." Bye Paul," Jessie says softly before falling asleep in Charlie's arms.

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*Chapter 7 is done ✔️ Jasper and Emmett return next chapter to see Jessie!! Embry will phase in chapter ten and Embry imprints at school ❤️ Jake will phase in chapter fourteen

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Chapter 7 is done ✔️ Jasper and Emmett return next chapter to see Jessie!! Embry will phase in chapter ten and Embry imprints at school ❤️ Jake will phase in chapter fourteen. Bree Tanner and her mom appear next chapter and Charlie sees his old friend Ashley again❤️

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Ashley does revert Jasper and Emmett to human again and gives them their life back❤️

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