💢Chapter Eleven💢

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Charlie and Jessie were getting ready to go visit Carly's grave and go away for a short weekend for Jessie's birthday. Carly left a note for Charlie about where Jessie loves to be every year for her birthday so he is taking her there for her seventh birthday.

"Are you ready Jessie?" Charlie asks with a smile." Ready! We are coming back right?" Jessie wonders." Of course Jessie we are,"Charlie says gently touching her back." Okay, I'm ready to go now," Jessie smiles putting her backpack on. Charlie smiles and they head off to the cemetery where Jessie's mom is.

Jessie went to the cemetery to visit her mother's grave." Hi Mama, I'm doing great! I have a wolf pack to look after me! Paul is one of them which wasn't hard for me to figure out," Jessie says softly smiling at her mother's grave.

"Jaz and Em are wolves too now! Bree and Ashley made them like Paul," Jessie says softly." I'm okay, I'm safe I got hurt by someone but it wasn't Charlie's fault or Jasper's," Jessie says with a soft smile.

Charlie joined Jessie's side and smiled at her, "Ready for our getaway for your birthday?" Charlie says softly. Jessie nods and they head off not before Jessie says goodbye to her mom's grave." Bye mama," Jessie says softly smiling before leaving.

Charlie gets Jessie into her car seat and they head to Jessie's favourite state for a few days as a birthday treat she'll celebrate her seventh birthday with the pack when she returns. Charlie was travelling to Ruby Beach which was half an hour away from Forks but they were staying at a B&B for a couple of days.

"We're here," Charlie says softly touching Jessie who had fallen asleep in the car." Are we at Ruby's beach?" Jessie asks excitedly." Yeah we're at the B&B by the beach and we can go and visit the beach tomorrow morning," Charlie says with a smile." I can't wait I love this beach it's really beautiful," Jessie grins.

"Your mommy told me where you'd love to go on your birthday and you went every year so I thought this would make you very happy," Charlie says helping her out of the car."I love it!" Jessie grins happily. The two get settled into the B&B and retire for the night.

Paul was missing Jessie but was busying himself with patrol, helping Embry learn the ropes, and gaming with Emmett and Jasper all night long. Jake is yet to phase and he's been hanging around with Bella since Embry has disappeared. Embry has also imprinted on a girl already and has yet to tell her anything about the pack or the Imprinting.

Chapter eleven is done ✔️ sorry kind of short. Jessie has gone away for a couple of days but returns in Chapter thirteen for her 7th birthday 🎂

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