🪭Chapter Thirteen🪭

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Jessie was eating her breakfast when Ashley came downstairs with a beautiful blue dress." What's that for?" Jessie wonders as she strokes Wanda." It's your birthday dress silly," Ashley says with a smile.

Jessie's birthday dress-

"But my birthday was yesterday?" Jessie says

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"But my birthday was yesterday?" Jessie says." Well, we didn't get to spend it with you and neither did the pack so put this on as our surprise is happening later on," Ashley says with a smile." Just this one I'll agree," Jessie nods.

Ashley smiles," Paul got you something and he's scared you won't like it," Ashley whispers." I'll love it! Especially if it's from Paul," Jessie says happily. Charlie comes downstairs dressed for the party and Bree does too. Bella has gone out with Jessica Stanley for the day so she won't be around for the party.

It was nearly time for the party and Charlie got the car ready whilst Ashley and Bree helped Jessie get into her dress and did her hair for the day." There we go, pretty princess for a day," Ashley says showing Jessie her look." I like it, but I'm more of a wolf girl," Jessie grins happily." That you are a wolf girl, so shall we go to the pack house and celebrate your birthday?" Bree says with a wink.

Jessie nods and they make their way to the pack house where Paul is pacing up and down waiting for Jessie to arrive." Paul chill, Jess will be here you know she doesn't like being late," Rhea says softly smiling." I know it's been a while since I've seen her and I've been miserable without her," Paul says with a soft voice.

The horn beeps signalling Jessie's arrival and everyone stands together. Charlie brings in a blindfolded Jessie's." SURPRISE!!" Everyone shouts and Jessie takes her blindfold off. Jessie was surprised to see everyone here." Happy birthday Jess," Everyone says happily." Thank you," Jessie says softly smiling.

Jessie was enjoying her birthday but was getting a little bit overwhelmed and ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Everyone tried to get her out but no one prevailed, so Paul had a go," Jess it's me? Let me in it's okay," Paul says softly.

Jessie unlocks the door and Paul enters with his presents in his hand." Hey princess what’s going on?" Paul asks sitting by Jessie"I don’t know. I looked around the room, and I saw all the faces and the presents, and it, it was just too much," Jessie says softly.

"I get that," Paul says." Hey, do you want to just bring a few people in here? You know, Emmett in the bathtub, Jasper on the toilet. Charlie on the sink It’ll be like the weirdest birthday ever," Paul jokes softly making Jessie smile.

"I know that you all worked hard to put this together. I’m sorry I’m ruining it," Jessie says softly."Oh, pl, you’re not ruining it. Look, at some point, Jared will try to get everyone to do the Electric Slide. Now, that will ruin it," Paul jokes."I don’t think I can go back out there," Jessie says sadly.

"That’s fine you are one of my favourite people. So, if what you need is to spend your birthday in a bathroom, I’m happy to do it with you," Paul says with a soft smile.

"Well, everyone will think I’m weird if I do this," Jessie mutters with a smile."Princess, you are weird but that's a good thing, because if you weren't you then you wouldn't be Jessie right? Everyone knows you’re weird, but they’re all still here because they care about you so much, and want to celebrate your birthday with you," Paul says with a smile.

Jessie grins happily at Paul, "Is that for me?" Jessie wonders looking at the presents." Yep, here you go princess happy 7th birthday," Paul says softly kissing her forehead and passing her the gifts. Paul exits the room and goes to see everyone," She's coming back out just got a bit much for her but she coming out," Paul says.

Jessie appears holding her wolf toy, wearing her wolf hat and holding a bag full of sensory items." Hi sorry for running off," Jessie says softly." It's okay Jess ready to have your cake and then we'll have a movie night?" Rhea says showing Jessie her cake.

Her cake-

Paul's gifts-

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Paul's gifts-

Everyone celebrated the last hour of Jessie's birthday and headed home

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Everyone celebrated the last hour of Jessie's birthday and headed home. Jessie was having a sleepover with Liv Morgan and Paul. Jessie was all snuggled into Paul's arms and Paul lay with her that night as Jessie didn't want Paul to leave her side.

Chapter 13 is done ✔️ Paul and Jessie are reunited ❤️

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Jake phases the next chapter!

Ready for more?

Bella comes around the pack in chapter 16!

The Cullens return in chapter 19

Leah and Seth phases in chapter 18 at the end!

Jessie Swan- Paul Lahote Fanfic 🐺Where stories live. Discover now