🌺Chapter two🌺

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Jessie was up at eight and got herself up, washed and dressed for the day, and headed to make herself toast and juice."Jessie!" Charlie calls for her." I'm downstairs! I'm making toast want some?!" Jessie calls up. Charlie came down in black," Jess, it's the funeral today. You need to wear black, sweetie. Come pick out your black dress and shoes," Charlie says gently.

"Well, I wanted to eat wearing these before getting my funeral clothes on. Can I eat first?" Jessie wonders." Sure, eat up, then I can help you get ready for the funeral," Charlie softly smiles. Jessie eats her food, and Charlie gets her ready for the funeral, Bella gets dressed for the funeral as well, and the pack all arrives in respect to say goodbye to Jessie's mom

Charlie and Jessie exited the house with Bella trailing behind Jessie and Jessie saw the coffin. It finally registered to her that her mom is gone and she ran into the woods crying."I'll get her chief," Paul says.

He quickly jogs after Jessie and finds her sitting on a tree branch."Jessie?" Paul says gently. Jessie looks up with a teary face and runs to hug Paul and sobs into his arms."Hey, it's okay, I'm here, Jess," Paul says softly.

"How do I say goodbye to her? To someone who has been with me all my life, Paul? I want her back," Jessie cries."I know, we'll say goodbye together, and you can tell me stories about her afterwards," Paul says with a soft smile.

"Stay with me, please. I want you today," Jessie says sadly. "Always, let's go and say goodbye and remember your mommy," Paul says, lifting Jessie.

Jessie nods, and Paul walks out of the woods with a clingy Jessie. "She was just very upset and asked me to stay with her. Is that okay?" Paul tells Charlie."Of course, time to go," Charlie says

They all head to the church, and Jessie stays by Paul and Charlie the entire time. When it came to Jessie to talk about her mom, She pulled Charlie and Paul with her. "Ready?" Charlie asked. Jessie looks at Paul, who nods."Yeah," Jessie softly says.

"Can you hold me, Paul?" Jessie asks softly and Paul looks at Charlie for permission to which he nods in response.Paul holds Jessie and he gets on the podium and she looks out to the pack, her mom's friends, and Bella.

"My mommy wanted a small send-off which she has got so thank you for respecting her wishes Uncle Charlie, I want to say thank you to her friends for coming and my uncles' friends for coming along for support," Jessie says slowly.

"My mommy was the one who fought hard for me to get my diagnosis for Aspergers and won, She raised me on her own as my dad died when I was just a baby, she was my mother, friend, and hero but now she is gone, I don't like to have physical contact but I think she sent me a new hero and a new friend in Paul so thank you, Paul," Jessie continues.

"My mother was kind, gentle, patient, and the most loving parent I had, and I will miss that. I will miss you, Mommy. I will be alright now. I have Charlie and Paul to look after me, sleep tight, Mama," Jessie says sadly.

Jessie steps down and Charlie hugs her and she hugs him back. Paul sends Jessie a soft smile. Jessie took Paul's hand and the funeral ended after her mom's final song.

The funeral guests and the pack all came to Billy's home for food and drinks. Jessie was on Paul's hip leaned into his arms and held him."Would you like something to eat Jess?" Paul asked."What is there?" Jessie wonders.

"There's pizza, chicken nuggets, wraps, sandwiches of all sorts, cakes, biscuits, crisps, and that, it's a buffet so we choose what we like," Paul says.

"Pizza, nuggets for now please," Jessie asked. Paul nods and they get a plate of food and sit on the grass with Jake, Quil Embry, Liv, and Morgan.

"It was a lovely speech you gave Jess," Jake says with a light smile."My mommy taught me to do it as she said she knows her fight is over but I wanted to add something more to it," Jessie says leaning into Paul's chest.

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