☸️Chapter Twenty-one☸️

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Jessie was at home spending time with Charlie and Ashley since Bree decided to go to Jasper's House with Angela and stay overnight. Bree wasn't home as Jasper managed to get a cabin built for himself and Emmett to live in so the girls pretty much go over there now.

The Cullens also don't know about Jasper and Emmett being wolves as Ashley blocked them from seeing them in wolf or human form for good.

The pack was extremely busy hunting Victoria as she kept coming back for Bella who wasn't in the same state. Paul was missing Jessie but knew he had to stay away from her and get this vampire rouge gone for good.

Ever since Bella has been back, Ashley has put a spell on the house where no vampires can enter without permission from Charlie or Ashley.

This made it difficult for Edward to visit Bella at night as Ashley had discovered that he comes into the house when Charlie is away at work and she's working at the children's hospital.

The pack and the Cullens were all chasing after the redhead whilst Edward and Bella were away in Florida to visit Reene. Victoria was only causing a distraction for her soldier to go to the Swan house and get something of Bella's but had no luck entering the house.

Jessie was in her room getting ready for bed when she looked out the window and saw rustling in the bushes." Paul?" Jessie whispers and goes downstairs to see if she can see any of the wolf pack there.

"Hello?" Jessie says softly and Riley exits out of the shadows and grabs her." Hey!" Jessie says but gets cut off by Riley putting his hand over her mouth.

"Now I'll let go of you but I need you to get something of your cousin and bring it to me," Riley says looking at Jessie and taking his hand away from her mouth." And if I don't?" Jessie asked scared." I'll kill you, then your uncle and that witch and your dog too," Riley smirks.

"No! I'll do it," Jessie says softly." Good girl, go and get Bella's top and bring it to me," Riley says with a smile. Jessie nods and goes back in grabs Bella's top and brings it back to Riley." That's a good kid," Riley says as Victoria appears.

"Hmmm, I've seen you with those dogs, you may be useful for us to use as a bargaining chip," Victoria says looking at Jessie."No! Leave them alone!" Jessie says hitting Victoria and Riley grabs her and restrains her.

"Tell you what if you come with us quietly then we won't touch them or your family in there," Victoria says grabbing Jessie's face." You promise?" Jessie asked softly." We won't mess with them anymore besides I'm after two people and you already know who," Victoria says with a soft smile.

"Bella and Edward," Jessie says as Victoria nods." Let's go," Victoria says and Riley picks Jessie up and they leave for Seattle in the dead of night. Victoria writes up a message for the Cullens and the Pack to have once she builds up her army.

Jessie was locked away in a small room and had snacks and juice boxes to have throughout her time with Riley and Victoria. The pack has just finished patrolling and Ashley went to check on Jessie to find her gone.

"CHARLIE!!!" Ashley yells. Charlie runs upstairs to Jessie's room," She's gone!!" Ashley shouts crying."I'm going to the station and getting my force to find her and I won't rest till she's home," Charlie says going into protective dad mode.

Ashley calls Sam, "Hello?" Sam says." She's gone! Jessie, she's gone missing and it looks like she's walked out of the house but she wouldn't do that!" Ashley says hysterically." Please help us?" Ashley cries." We're coming okay? Hang tight," Sam says before handing up.

The pack all phase and run to the Swan house and shift back and the stench of vampires is lingering outside the house." There were vampires here two of them," Emmett says with a nod." One got to be Victoria and the other is her friend for sure," Jasper says in agreement." Why take Jessie?" Paul asked getting agitated.

"Leverage or bargaining chip?" Quil suggest." They want Bella and Edward don't they?" Ashley says appearing behind the pack." Looks like it, and they are going to send a note soon as well," Sam nods in agreement." The best thing we can do is memorize the scent in case they come back around," Sam tells everyone.

"I'm not going to rest, I'm going to find her, with or without you guys, she's not meant to be involved in the vampire world she won't be able to deal with the red-eyed vampires," Paul says.

"Paul! Victoria won't hurt her or her companion as she's needed to get our attention which she's gotten now," Jasper tells him."We just got to see if she or her friend leaves us and the Cullens a note," Sam says.

"I can't sit around Sam! She's seven years old and she'll be terrified!" Paul shakes getting angry." Paul calm down, I agree with him by the way Sam, Jessie is a vulnerable child and she needs finding now," Ashley says with a look.

"I agree, Tell Charlie we'll search the woods for her leave the woods to us," Sam says." All imprints are to remain in their homes no one leaves! One has been taken already! I will not risk another life!" Sam yells using his alpha voice.

Everyone nods their heads and heads into the woods to find their imprints at home to stay indoors as Jessie has gone missing.

At the same time, Brady Fuller and Colin Littlesea have both phased and Sam caught them up on everything they are now joining the hunt to find Jessie Swan as Charlie and Ashley are going to search the town and the abandoned buildings whilst the pack is searching the woods.

Riley kept Jessie company and gave her food and drinks whilst finding her  something to keep her entertained during her time with him and Victoria." Thank you," Jessie says softly." You're welcome," Riley says with a smile." Why are you doing this?" Jessie asked." Because she asked me to, she wants revenge for her friends," Riley says with a soft smile.

"You're gonna get hurt, and she won't care," Jessie says softly eating her food." Maybe but I'll find a way to be okay," Riley says with a smile. Jessie smiles softly at him," You seem nice," Jessie notes leaning against Riley who stiffens up but lets her lean against him.

Victoria was out recruiting for her army and the three Cullens were waiting for Edward and Bella to return. The pack, Charlie and Ashley were still looking but getting nowhere as the scent vanished within hours.

Paul was getting angry and phased and was tearing the woods up. Jared and Emmett were trying to calm him down but had no luck he went to Jessie's room and lay in her room all night long."I'll find you Jessie Swan and that's a promise princess," Paul says softly.

Chapter 21 is done ✔️ Jessie has been taken😱😱 Riley seems to be very gentle with her for some reason.

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Jessie won't get harmed by anyone at all! Riley won't let her go near them or them near her.

Jessie will come with Riley and Victoria to the battle!

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