🐾Chapter Thirty🐾

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Paul phoned Sue up telling her to get Jessie up and dressed for cold weather as he was going to take her to Alaska to see her friend and his girlfriend." Jessie sweetie?" Sue says softly." Yes?" Jessie asked tiredly." Paul coming to take you out somewhere so I need you to get up and dressed for the cold weather," Sue tells her softly smiling.

Jessie quickly gets up, heads to the bathroom has a quick shower, and freshens up before getting dressed into something for cold weather." Here is your breakfast and take your bag with you as it's a long journey," Sue says with a smile.

Paul pulls up with Jasper and Emmett in the car. He presses the horn and Sue brings Jessie out." Look after each other out there," Sue says with a smile." Will do Sue, see you tomorrow night," Paul says with a smile and heads off towards Alaska.

"Where are we going, Paul?" Jessie asked with a smile." We are going to Alaska to see Riley and the Denali Coven," Paul says with a smile." Really?!" Jessie squealed happily and flapped with excitement.

Jessie watched the scenic road ahead and snuggled into Jasper's side as the journey was long and Emmett swapped with Paul half away so Paul could have a break from driving. Emmett sees a familiar house as they pull up and stop on their driveway." We're here," Emmett announces and everyone wakes up.

Paul gets out first helps Jessie out of the car and places her on his hip as Emmett and Jasper follow him. Ebenezer, Carmen, and Kate all were waiting by the door," Welcome," Carmen said with a smile." Thank you for having us," Paul says with a smile.

"I don't suppose you remember these two?" Paul says showing the Denali Coven Emmett and Jasper's new look." Oh my goodness, you suit the wolf style very much," Kate says with a smile.

Jessie sees Riley standing there with golden eyes," Riley!!" Jessie says happily stimming and Riley scoops her up and spins her around," Hey madam, I told you we'd meet again," Riley says with a smile.

Paul makes himself known," I'm Paul, Jessie's imprinter," Paul says with a smile."Nice to meet you, I'm sorry for what I did and I regret everything," Riley says with a soft look."We know and I'm good with you, as I know you did everything to protect her," Paul says putting his hand out to Riley.

Riley shakes his hand," Yay everyone is friends I love this!" Jessie says with a smile." Would you four like something to eat?" Carmen asked." No thank you," Paul says with a smile. Paul, Jessie, Emmett, and Jasper spend the day with the Denali Coven, and Riley and Jessie play in the snow together.

"We found out why Riley and Jessie have a family bond," Ebenezer says." Why?" Paul asked curiously." He and she have a unique way of communicating that bonded them together," Ebenezer says but sees the looks on everyone's faces.

"He knew she had autism and how to handle her, he's her soul brother and she's his soul sister, " Ebenezer says smiling."That's why he never felt the need to drain her. Because she's his soul sister?" Jasper says.

"Yep, so she's his soul sibling," Carmen said with a soft smile. Jessie and Riley were watching the snow fall and Riley's powers came through over time he could make shapes and make them real. Jessie was growing tired and Riley held her as she fell asleep.

Paul took Jessie from him and held her close and they all retired to bed. Paul got everything ready for the journey home.

It was the next morning and everyone said their goodbyes. Paul drove home and Jessie fell asleep for the journey home. Charlie and Ashley were also on their way home as well and they were grateful for the pack's support they had brought everyone a gift from their honeymoon.

Paul just managed to get Jessie back to Sue's house just ten minutes before Charlie's arrival. Jessie was watching her movies and lying next to Paul but she had fallen asleep as Charlie and Ashley entered the house.

Charlie lifts Jessie and leaves the Clearwaters and Paul massive gifts and gives everyone else thank-you gifts before heading home for the evening. Jessie was lying in bed and was all snuggled up.

Charlie was happy with how everything had worked out. Ashley smiled and put a spell over the reservation and Forks to keep vampires out for good.

Now Forks  and The reservation are at peace for life and everyone can finally live at peace.


Chapter 30 is done ✔️ That's Jessie's book come to an end 🥺❤️

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