🤑Chapter Twenty-two🤑

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Jessie was in a small room by buildings in Seattle. Victoria has built an army, and they are currently causing chaos.

Riley has put a jacket of his over Jessie so they don't hurt her. Jessie wasn't feeling the greatest as she had been separated from Paul for too long, and Paul was feeling the same effects.

"Jessie?" Riley says softly, touching her head, and Jessie looks up." You don't look well. What's going on?" Riley says softly."I need my brother, Paul, he and I are bound together," Jessie said softly.

"I'm sorry, Jess, I wouldn't have taken you if I knew this would happen to you," Riley says, gently holding her." I want to go home, I miss Charlie, Wanda, Ashley, Bree, and Paul," Jessie cries softly.

"You'll be going home soon, I promise," Riley says softly, comforting her holding her close and rocking her to sleep. Victoria came to speak with Riley and saw him holding Jessie." Riley, I need you to go and hunt for some more people for my army," Victoria says, looking at Jessie.

"I got it, I'll go in a moment," Riley nods in understanding." She'll be fine, so go otherwise. I'll hand her over to them," Victoria says, looking at a pack of hungry vampires." Leave her alone, I'm heading out," Riley says softly." Riley! Don't leave me!" Jessie yells, scared.

"I'm coming back. Just say hidden okay? Don't come out and cover your ears," Riley says with a soft smile. Jessie nods and hides away with Riley's jacket and covers her ears.

"Now go and help me get my soldiers, and we can get my revenge in about four weeks, "Victoria smirks and kisses Riley. Riley leaves, and Victoria looks at Jessie," You seem to be an interest to my lead commander. If he even forgets his job, I'll kill you myself understand" Victoria says lowly.

Jessie nods slowly, and Victoria leaves, locks the door shut, and keeps the key hidden from Riley. Jessie was getting sicker by the minute due to being locked in a small room, and the bond between her and Paul was being tested.

At the same time with the pack, Charlie and Ashley. Everyone was still looking, but because they had no leads, they were clueless about where to start and how to find her.

Bella and Edward returned home not long ago, and Bella went back home to see Charlie rushing around and Ashley sitting by the phone.

"What's going on?" Bella asked." Jessie gone, she's walked out of the house and we can't find her," Charlie says." Oh well, she's not that important. You hardly know the kid," Bella shrugs." You shut it right now!" Ashley shouts furiously.

"That kid is vulnerable and she is seven years old and is alone put there, any more nasty vile comments out of your mouth I will smack you to kingdom come," Ashley says gripping Bella's throat tightly. Bella nods and runs upstairs and shuts the door. Ashley immediately goes and comforts Charlie, who is heartbroken.

Paul wasn't stopping, but he wasn't very well as he was feeling sick, just like Jessie." Why can't I phase anymore?" Paul coughs." Jessie, she's sick just like you, and you need her like she needs you," Billy says sadly." Where is she? I need to find her!" Paul yells.

"We'll find her," Sam says softly." I hope so, I just hope she is okay and not being tortured or seeing them hurt people," Paul says sadly."We will search tomorrow as it's late, and you need to get better first," Sam says with a concerned voice.

Back in Seattle, Riley has brought Victoria more people get turned into vampires, and he goes to check on Jessie. When he tries the door, it's locked." Jessie, are you okay?!" Riley yells.

"She's fine, Riley. we have important things to deal with she'll be fine, I promise," Victoria smirks. Riley hesitates to leave, but he knows if he doesn't, she'll hurt Jessie.

Something told him inside that Jessie was important to him, like in a family type of way. Jessie was coughing and falling unconscious in the room and was looking up at the moon." I want to go home, please?" Jessie pleads brokenly.

Victoria and Riley were watching over their army, and Victoria wrote a message for the Cullens and the Pack to have tomorrow evening.

"Let them stew and think we aren't coming back," Victoria says, looking at Riley." We need to get her home. She's just a kid, Victoria," Riley says softly.

"No, she's a bargaining chip for us to use against the pack," Victoria snaps." If you ask again, I'll snap her neck. Understand me?" Victoria snarls, and Riley nods in understanding.

Victoria left, and Riley sat by the door, "I'm here Jess," Riley said softly." I don't feel good Riley," Jessie says softly." I know, I'm sorry Jess. I'll get you home I promise," Riley says softly.

"Riley be careful," Jessie says softly." I will, I promise," Riley says softly before leaving. Jessie snuggled into the corner and fell asleep due to being unwell and hungry.

Back with Charlie and Ashley, they were looking over the case files as people were going missing in Seattle where Jessie was born and raised." Jessie has been added to their missing list too," Charlie says sadly." My sister is turning in her grave at me right now. I lost her daughter and I don't even know where to find her," Charlie says crying his eyes out.

"We'll find her Charlie, I promise you that we will find her," Ashley says softly hugging him. Bree appears with Jasper and Emmett and makes a come here motion to Ashley.

Ashley excuses herself," Yes how can I help?" Ashley says with a soft smile." The disappearance in Seattle and Victoria the redhead not returning. I think she's making a newborn army of vampires," Jasper says.

"So what does that mean?" Ashley says with a look." I think Victoria took Jessie as a way of grabbing, the pack's, the remaining four Cullens, and Bella's attention," Jasper says." But what for? She doesn't have anything to do with Bella or them? Only the pack?" Ashley says softly.

"That's why! She wants us to pay attention to her! She's after Bella and we've been stopping her!" Emmett works out."So the note is going to say we have Jessie but to get her back she wants Bella and Edward," Ashley says with a look.

Jasper nods," But why an army?" Bree says." To keep everyone else busy whilst she goes after Edward and Bella," Emmett answers.

"Get Sam and everyone together tomorrow, we need to speak with the Cullens once a note turns up for us and them," Ashley says with authority.

"I don't care for Bella or Edward's lives, I'm bringing my niece home as he's in pieces over here looking for her" Ashley says with a look."We got it, I'll get Sam to agree to a meet-up with the four Cullens," Jasper says politely.

"How's Paul doing?" Ashley asked concerned for Paul." Sick, this is bringing him down and we are concerned for him too," Emmett says.

"Tell Sue Clearwater that she needs to put him in a medically induced coma for a couple of days," Ashley tells them." We'll do that," Jasper nods.

They leave and Bree goes to hug Charlie and he accepts the hug from her. They all sit and wait for a sign that Jessie is okay or a sign of where she is.

Chapter 22 is done ✔️  Poor Charlie, Paul and Jessie all three aren't copying well 😔😫

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Ready for the battle?

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