🕰Chapter eight🕰

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Jessie was at the pack house with Sam, Rhea, and Paul since Jared was waiting for Jasper and Emmett as they returned for a brief visit to see Jessie." They're late, you said they'd be here by now," Jessie says softly." Jessie don't forget they had to go far away from here so they had to travel a long distance," Rhea says softly smiling at her.

"They're here," Sam says with a smile." Hey princess," Emmett smiles at the doorway but waits for permission before entering the house." Come in please Emmett," Rhea says softly smiling.

Emmett nodded in thanks and made his way to Jessie who walked towards him with Paul watching over the two." I missed you why did you go?" Jessie cries reaching out to Emmett who hugs her gently after noticing the stitches.

Jasper appears next and does the same as Emmett waits for permission to enter the house," Come in Jasper," Rhea politely says." Thank you, madam, Sam," Jasper says softly.

"Hi Jess, I'm sorry for leaving. Well, we both are," Jasper says soothingly." You left without saying goodbye," Jessie says sadly." I know but I couldn't face you after what I did to you," Jasper says sadly."I had to go with Rosalie, as she wanted to leave straight away I'm sorry Jess," Emmett smiles softly.

"Well, Rosalie could have waited as I want to say goodbye to you first," Jessie pouts." I know princess. I'll tell her off when I see her," Emmett chuckles making Jessie smile.

"Jasper what happened to me wasn't your fault, you're an empath right?" Jessie asks which Jasper nods to."You only reacted to the blood coming from Bella which Edward had a hard time containing his feelings about and you felt that and that set you off," Jessie says softly hugging Jasper.

"My accident was Edward's fault he pushed Bella into me and I got hurt because of Edward, not you," Jessie says softly smiling at Jasper."You're the first one who never blames me for this well and Paul, I am sorry for leaving without saying goodbye I felt incredibly guilty for doing that to you," Jasper says softly." All forgotten and forgiven Jasper," Paul says with a soft smile." Thank you we appreciate you allowing us to return to see Jessie," Emmett says.

"It's not a problem, you two are the only two we can agree on getting along with for Jessie," Paul says shaking Emmett's hand which Emmett returns.

Charlie returns to see Jasper and Emmett," He ain't back with you isn't he?" Charlie asks with an angry face." No just us, we came back for Jessie sir," Emmett says." It wasn't their fault, it was Edward's he pushed me," Jessie says softly hugging Jasper's side.

"Right okay, I'm still not happy with him," Charlie says firmly." Trust me no one is sir," Emmett nods." Do you four want to go out for something to eat?" Charlie offers looking at Jessie, Paul, Emmett, and Jasper." Yeah, we could eat," Paul nods."Yeah, nuggets and chips," Jessie grins." We've eaten but we'll happily come along," Jasper politely.

Charlie smiles and the five head off to Cora's diner for some Lunch. Jasper, Emmett, and Paul all agreed that Jessie was their common ground and they would be friends for her benefit." Hi, Cora table for five please?" Charlie says with a smile." Of course, right this way," Cora smiles. They all select their meal choices bar, Emmett and Jasper.

After a while, Cora brings in their drink orders and a lady walks in with a brunette young girl. Jasper turns to face the girl and he notices she doesn't smell like someone he wants to lunge at and drain of their blood. The woman turns to see Charlie," Charlie Swan!" She grins happily." Ashley Tanner, man am I happy to see you again," Charlie says with a grin and hugs her.

Jessie got up and made her way to Charlie's side," And who's this lovely young girl?" Ashley says with a smile." I'm Jessie I'm six and I have autism," Jessie says softly." Nice to meet you, I'm Ashley an old friend of your uncle Charlie and this is Bree, my daughter," Ashley says." Hi Jess," Bree waves hello." Hi, Bree, you're pretty I like your hair," Jessie says softly smiling.

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