🐺Imprints and The Pack 🐺

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How Jessie meets the imprints and how the pack meets their imprints. Some meet on the beach and some meet in school.

Sam met Rhea a few months after he phased and imprinted and Sam and Rhea were friends first they moved in together as Rhea's place went up for sale and Sam offered his home to Rhea and her sisters. Sam told Rhea everything and she accepted it and his wolf.

Jared met Luna on the beach, he bumped into her as she was listening to the ocean and imprinted on Luna. they bonded over the reservation and the beach and became close friends eventually, they got together and learned about the wolf side of Jared and she loved it.

Embry imprints on a girl called Roxy who isn't afraid to speak her mind but has a whole lot of love to give. She and Embry meet when she comes to reservation school and starts a fight with a girl who slept with her ex-boyfriend she looks up to Embry and they both freeze he goes up to her and offers to clean her face up for her which she accepts.

Jake and Quil both imprint on Liv and Morgan the day they phased and Liv and Morgan both enjoy having Jake and Quil as their brothers and protectors.

Liv and Morgan found out about the wolf side when Rhea found out, Jake imprints first on Liv and Quil is sixth to phase and imprints on Morgan.

Leah and Seth imprint when the pack visits the beach and bumps into two people who are new to Forks and the beach.

Leah imprints first on Liam and gets to know him and Seth imprints on Mavis she and Seth go for a walk and spend time with one another.

Brady imprints on Ari at school and he brings her and her little sister Ali along to meet the pack Colin imprints on Ali last and Ali and Colin hit it off straight away.

Charlie sees an old friend again with a fifteen-year-old daughter and the two hit it off Jessie gets close to the daughter. The friend is called Ashley Tanner and the daughter is Bree Tanner.

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