🔵Chapter Seventeen🔵

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A couple of days passed since Bella found out about the pack and Bella returned to the rez wanting to speak with Jake. Jessie was already at the house as she was having a sleepover with the girls.

"Is Jake around? I want to speak with him?" Bella asked. Rhea looked up as she was busy doing the girls' lunch." He is so you want to talk you speak with all of us," Rhea says.

"Sam!" Rhea yells and the pack falls in with Sam taking the lead apart from Emmett and Jasper as they were out with Angela and Bree. "Yeah? What's up?" Sam wonders." The outsider wants to talk so I called you all in," Rhea smiles.

Sam nods in understanding." So what do you want?" Sam asked." How did you lot come to be like this?" Bella asked." Because of your freaks," Jake scoffs." And a certain redhead so that's why," Sam says.

"Redhead? Do you mean Victoria?" Bella wonders." We don't know her name but yeah, she's after someone or something as she keeps coming back," Embry nods.

"Me, it's me she's after, "Bella reveals. Roxy groans in response, " I'm not surprised by this at all," Jessie mutters." Well now we know why her other friend was here but he's dead now," Paul mutters.

"Laurent dead?" Bella says. Sam nods." If that's all you wanted to talk about you can leave now," Rhea says walking back into the kitchen. Sam went to Rhea's side, "She'll need to be here so we can keep her safe," Sam whispers." Fine set days only as we aren't babysitters," Rhea nods."You are to come here two days a week till the redhead is gone," Rhea says.

"You're not the boss of me," Bella scoffs," No but she's our Luna our alpha imprint and what she and he say goes if you don't like it then we ain't protecting your ass bitch," Paul snaps." Paul Anthony Lahote!" Roxy scolds.

"Sorry madam," Paul quickly apologizes. Roxy smiles and chucks the pack their muffins for the day."You stay today and tomorrow," Rhea states." Don't like it, not my problem or theirs," Rhea says hugging Sam's torso.

Bella nods in response." So she's the reason Jake's all worked up," Liv notes." Unfortunately yes, the redhead is after her because her lot killed her mate so she wants a mate for a mate," Luna says." Good hand her over," Liv shrugs.

Rhea laughs as does the pack and Morgan." Unfortunately, we can't so we're stuck with her," Sam says with a grin."You owe her nothing, Ashley can watch her as she'll make sure nothing goes near the house that isn't you guys," Jessie says as she paints away." She got a good point, Sam," Rhea notes.

"I agree with her, you may be the alpha but I'm in charge. For my sisters' and Jessie's safety and I say no, Ashley will make the house vampire proof and we can keep Jessie safe, Jessie's life over her life matters more," Rhea says with crossed arms.

The pack stood with Rhea on this decision," The decision is made," Rhea says firmly." I will call Ashley now and you are going home," Rhea says pointing at Bella.

Rhea calls Ashley who agrees to vampire-proof the house and gets Charlie to agree to Jessie staying over for a while and he'd bring her spare clothes, and Wanda who has been away training to be a support dog for Jessie.

"Done, go home Bella, we don't do babysitting for grown-ass people," Rhea says walking upstairs." Rude," Bella scoffs." This is her house and her rules, so keep your fucking mouth shut," Roxy scolds her.

Bella leaves and Rhea returns," Thank fuck for that!" Rhea says with a smile." Tell them four to come back now as they can show their faces," Rhea tells Roxy." Will do Boss," Roxy winks and mocks salutes her." Don't be an ass," Rhea says slapping her head." Ouchy rude(!)" Roxy fakes offense.

Jessie was watching a movie with Paul who was grateful to Rhea for putting Jessie first and keeping the house the same for her as Jessie didn't want Bella disrupting their peace. Charlie came by with clothes and  Wanda ran straight to Jessie who immediately cuddled her and laid on Jessie's body and protected her alongside Paul.


Chapter 17 is done ✔️ Bella is not welcomed at the pack house and Rhea makes it clear to Sam that she means business.

Who loves Rhea right now?!

Alice returns next chapter!

Jessie stays with Paul and Jared when Jake takes Bella home! Leah and Seth both phase in chapter eighteen

Seth and Leah imprint in chapter twenty when they go to the beach with the pack and Quil phases in chapter 19 and imprints on Morgan.

Jessie Swan- Paul Lahote Fanfic 🐺Where stories live. Discover now