💎Chapter Fifteen💎

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Jessie was in her safe place and placed her headphones on her head and was watching old videos of her and her mom playing together." I miss you, Mommy," Jessie says softly. Jessie was sad that Paul wasn't able to come over as they were busy hunting a redhead vampire and Jake was doing amazing now settled right in.

Angela Webber has been coming around the pack as well as Roxy and both are getting along with everyone. Bree was down the pack house as she was staying with Jasper the weekend. Paul wasn't happy without Jessie and wasn't pleased that everyone else had their imprint.

Ashley and Charlie tried to get Jessie to come out of her room but ended up having to leave food and drinks by her safe place for a while. Bella was trying to see Jake but she got told he wasn't very well and she'll see him when she sees him.

The next day Bella decided to take Jessie to the meadow she and Edward used to go to as Bella wanted to see it. She wasn't impressed by dead meadows," is this it?" Jessie bluntly  says." Shut it!" Bella snarks.

Jessie left Bella to it and walked around. She didn't notice a man sneaking up behind her and grabbing her. Bella noticed him and got happy as he could bite and turn her not caring about Jessie's safety or life." Hey, let go of me! Help!!!"Jessie screamed thrashing about in the man's arms.

He went to attack her and Bella when Sam exited the woods with Jared and Paul in tow. Paul Wolf went ballistic to see his imprint in danger and sent a warning growl to let her go.

The man took the hint to let Jessie go, and Jessie ran to Paul's side. Paul sniffed and licked her in the hopes of calming her down. She saw a new wolf looking at Bella who was surprised at the wolves.

They all went to attack Laurent who ran away at a fast speed. Bella ran leaving Jessie behind, Jessie was frightened for Paul's safety.

She watched as they caught up to the man and she saw that he was dead. Sam let Paul go to Jessie and she gave his wolf head a hug.

The hug was like this;

Jessie reassures Paul" I'm okay, you came out just in time and I'm safe

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Jessie reassures Paul" I'm okay, you came out just in time and I'm safe. You saved me Paul thank you." She told him softly. Paul's wolf huffed in response, his head looked past Jessie as he saw Jacob's wolf coming towards them and growled in warning to Jake's wolf.

Jessie turned and saw the new wolf,"Jake? Is that you?" She asked carefully. Jake's wolfy head nodded in response, " I love your wolf, Jake." She told him happily. Jake Wolf huffed in response.

"Any chance either one of you could take me home since Bella left me here?" Jessie asked between the two wolves. Paul lowered himself down indicating that he'd take her home and Jake Wolf followed the two home ensuring her safe return.

Jessie enjoyed her ride on a wolf home and she couldn't wait to see them again." Bye Paul, Jake." She nodded and left for home.

She saw Bella running out of the house and dragged Jessie with her to Jake's house. They waited for him to come out, and Bella ran out saying he cut his hair and got a tattoo.

He counters back with the mention of the Cullens and Sam. Jessie exited the car and waved to Jake who gave her a wave and smile but turned back to Bella's cold stares.

"Leave Bella, we aren't friends and I don't want you back here again, take Jessie home as I don't want her getting sick again or harmed again," Jake says coldly.

Jessie saw Sam, Paul, Jared and Embry walking up, she smiled at them all and went to say hello to the four lads. They all waved and said hello, she left and went back into the car before she got left behind again.

Jessie and Bella went back home and Jessie went back to watching her tablet and her safe place till it was time to see Paul again.

Bree returned aware of Bella seeing the wolves and went to see Jessie. Ashley and Charlie decided to live together since they were dating and Charlie wanted them to be in his life for good. Jessie heard her window open and Bree looked to see Jake entering the window.

"Jake?" Jessie whispers." Hey you, just came to say, I've asked Sam to let you come with Bree tomorrow and he's agreed that you could," Jake says softly smiling at her." Sorry kiddo we've been busy chasing that man who tried to hurt you, friend she's been coming back a lot so we wanted to keep you here safe," Jake tells her.

"Oh okay, could have told me sooner I know remember," Jessie says softly smiling at him." We know kiddo, right I'll see you tomorrow at Sam's, Okay?" Jake says with a wink." Of course, is Luna picking us up?" Jessie asked." Yes as Bree, her, Roxy, Angela and Rhea are going shopping once I've come to the house," Jake nods in response." Okay then see you tomorrow Jake," Jessie says softly smiling.

Jake heads off home and Bree and Jessie lie together watching Coraline on the big screen together. A Grey wolf and mixed colour wolf were watching over their imprints for the night whilst two black wolves one with blue eyes and the other with black eyes were patrolling the area.

Chapter 15 is done ✔️ Jessie will be at the pack house and goes with Paul and the boys to get Jake ♥️

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Do we think Paul is handling Jessie well?

Any theories on how the five Cullens will get the pack to help them with the newborn army?

How do you think Bella will die this time around?

15 Chapters left!

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